11 - Out of Control

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Cleo's POV

Its Saturday and today were heading to the hill to show our respect to my dad next to where mom died

"Your Cleo Duran?"


"here" the man gave me the name tag thing and the passes for my friends

after pinning it to our black outfits we went to where they were

"mom.. dad came to you leaving me.. im alone..."

"Your not alone" i turn around to see Ryan right behind me

"Duran san I promise to protect your daughter at all cost" he got on his knees and showed his respect everyone took there turn

"im sorry" yona said next to me"

"you understand me... everyone does right?"


"Cleo..." sam hugged me with brutal force

"sam... your... chocking... me..."

"opss sorry" lets go of me

*weak smile*

After the funeral we were on our way home when I noticed.. blood...


I ran away from the scene

everyone chased after me calling my name i coundnt help it...

I ran to the woods behind my house

i climbed up a tree

I cried and cried

"No.. Why.... WHY.. WHY?!?!?!?!"

Rain began to pour down

thunder struck around me

Fire surrounded me it was touching my skin yet i wasnt burned

it became hard to cry now...

"CLEO" everyone called out they saw me inside the fire

Sam was despite she ran into the fire and got to me and hugged me she was weak from the brun of the fire

"Cleo.... Cleo... its fine now where here with you..." she fainted into my arms

The storm stopped the fire disappeared

"Sam SAM!" I carried her to the house layed her on my bed

I put my hands on her chest

"please... please work.."

a little light appeared on my hands and it touched sams body making her glow

"Ethma" i enchanted

"*gasp* IM ALIVE"

she jumps up and faints in my arms.. again..

"thank you sam you were willing to run into the fire for me..."

"now that your fine... LET US EAT" *growls*

i helped sam walk i look at her thanks to my magic but...

i can see she got burns on her legs and arm her clothes where all crispy like

i closed the door when everyone left but sam and I

i grabbed some clothing and helped sam change

"lets go"

we walked down to notice kiki already done with dinner

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