13 - Garage Sale

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Cleo's POV

We literally put all of the things in my house except for food and such

I have to put up a sign that says "don't touch anything from the kitchen XP"

Serial hours later we planned to do our garage sale for a week summer it's coming close everyone is doing there best in school and there life here in the 'real' world

If what I know I should be able to open portals..

I want to bring them back to there home but...

The situations...

Su won... kingdom... dragons...

"Ugh...." I had a disgusted look on my face

"Is something the matter?" Zero said sitting on the ground with me

"Yah.. my life is..."

"Everyone says that life is truly unfair isn't it?"

"Uhu tell me about it"

"There there" he parts my head


"No prob should we go help the others"


We headed back and helped out the guys who are messing around with the stuff

The week went by in a blink of an eye

Only 3 days of school left

Oh yah he's still here...

Damn it I forgot about dealing with him....

What did I do to you for your master???

Screw this...

"Hellllllllo Cleo" ugh speak of the devil...

"I'm busy remodeling the house BAI" I started to run when he pulls me and sticks something in my pocket and walks away

"WTH was that?!" I reached into my pocket in my left skirt to see a folded note

Cleo I'm sorry for the past weeks I've been your enemy but satan is controlling me I listen to him so I can live be free from his grasps I song want to fight you but..


"WTH FIRST OF ALL HE TRIED TO KILL ME ALSO KILLED MY FATHER NOW HES SORRY?????" Lucky I was in locker bay where no one was near me to listen to myself go crazy

I cooled off until sam called me

Everyone was already at my place...

I headed home by car yes I drove today I needed to stay for few hours to study just so I don't become a idiot

While I was driving I noticed someone was coming closer

the presence of him..

"fudge" I turned around did a U-turn and headed near my house but in the woods

I get out of the car and sees him ugh

"WTH do you want?" I asked the angel with wings

"oh my looks like you picked up quickly" he put his hands together and a golden staff appeared

"leave me alone"

"how about... NO!"

I closed my eyes

I put my hands together in a clapping like style

I released

"KASAI KUMI" a fire reaper staff came out

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