15 - Game Time!

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I had a Final Exam today and I've been studying for it T^T

Cleo's POV

The pool that were headed to is a water amusement park

its pretty cheap for a amusement park and for today because its summer I'm guessing there's gotta be a lot of people here today

the water park is split into 3 sections

the pool

Food Court

& a mini mall

The people usually breakup into kids found adults (teens) adults

The kids section have there kids stuff in the teen parts there in the pool 4 water slides 2 diving boards and 1 big summing pool connecting to all of them

we all stood at the entered waiting

when Ryans group came we all stared at him

"what? oh... OHHH" he grabbed his wallet

took out his credit card out

walked to the man at the desk

"Hi good day sir how many people?"

ryan stares at each one of us as he counts

"12" he hands the name his credit card

we all just stared

"thank you" the man hands ryan back his card while also handing him some tickets

"here" he hands me the tickets

i turn around and walk pass everyone as I hand them each there ticket

"okay when we get to the gate a man/lady will be asking for your ticket so give it to him/her okay? now follow me" everyone nods as we got to the gate

I was first so I can demonstrate how it was done

"miss your ticket?" the lady moves her hands near me

i hand her my ticket

the rest of us did the same

when we entered we got in a small circle group

"Okay so we meet by 12 right? so we get 2 hours of our own time and we have lunch together and we have fun again??" kiki got all excited

"yes *giggles* so now let us gt changed"


we walked into the park as we entered there was 2 signs

Male & Female

we each went our ways

when we started to change I started to recall some memories of when I was here with mom and dad.....

oh well at least I can but that limited addition Game set

after changing into my bikini I put on a light jacket thing

I saw kiki wearing a white bikini as yona was wearing a red bikini which really suit her

I gave her a light leather jacket similar to mine but pink ish to yona

When we got out I just had to take a pic of everyone in swinsuts

I remembered to give shinah water goggles but with shades on them becuase I know Jeaha will bully him tos how us his eyes

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