2 - OMG Thank U Mom

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•Sorry for the No update yesterday I forgot :P and I'm behind Schedule... Anyways Enjoy!

WARNING this chapi is SUPER LONG please do be prepared XD

Cleo's POV

I got up SUPER early and went down stairs, got a glass of cold water

I saw my dad in the couch

ugh at least sleep in ur room

I grabbed the 'emergency' blanket and I threw it over him

Even though U are mean and.. The stuff with mom I thank u for taking care of me when we lost mom


"Oi its only 5 why U up so early?" I heard Sam come down stairs

"Well we need to plan things out I was gana wake you up thanx for saving me the trouble :D"

"Well... Whatever I'm to tired to care anyways please hand me a glass of cold water"

"Hai hai" I filled the cup and handed it to her

*glup glup*

"Okay I'm awake so what'd the plan?"

We headed for the 2nd floor and I grabbed a large cardboard box I have for school projects and such

I put it on the stand thing I grabbed my computer

"Okay let's plan" she started to opening the computer lid and opening word doc.

"Yup so what first?" I asked

"Um... Education?"



"Sam did U forget that like half the guys are all over 20?"

"Oh yah... But u know they look younger!"

"Really" I though for a moment I realized they do look younger only the dragons hak is hak

"Sam how old am I?"

"What are U talking about ur about 17?"

"Oh okay... Cuss I think I aged a year... Also time literally stopped for this world.."

"...." she had a Oh look

"okay anyways so are we gana have to make them attend Our school Tiger Hill High"

"wait Cleo are we gana have them be Juniors like us? Schools gana end in like 3 months and they will attend for seniors like us??"

"i guess so"

she started to mad type on the education section on word doc

"Okay here goes nothing" I grabbed the USB cord thing I don't know and I attached it to the our flat screen TV on the 3rd floor

I took the computer and its my turn to type

I cracked my nuckes the stretching way and I started to type

"I'll start with yona"

Sam hovered over me but then just grabbed an extra chair and sat next to me

"Itsnt It best to make up new names for registrations?"

"Ah the one where when U change places U change names so do we have to change them?" She asks

Future with Akatsuki no Yona -Im Stuck in AnY Sequel-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz