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JON was deciding whether the joy or relief in his heart was stronger when he walked in to home room and saw Danny with his back to the door, sitting in his chair the wrong way and while he couldn’t see Danny’s face, he could see the small and soft smile, and Jon knew that things were perfect.

“Danny!” Jon exclaimed, dashing over to his best friends as fast as humanly possible (or as fast as he could go while still appearing human.) “Where have you been?”

“Damian didn’t tell you?” Danny asked, tilting his head in a way that kind of reminded Jon of Krypto.

“You knew?” Jon turned to his other best friend, absolutely scandalized.

And Damian, the absolute Jerk, shrugged.

“I only learned in math, we don’t have that class together.” Damian said, like they didn’t have a class together right after math.

“I have been betrayed. This is a tragedy and I will never recover.” Jon flopped across Damian’s desk, a hand over his head like a fainting maiden to emphasize the depths of his broken heart.

Damian, because he was cold-hearted and cared nothing for the deep and profound bond shared between the two of them, pushed Jon off his desk and onto the floor.

“Ow,” Jon said, his heart and back aching with the same pain. (No pain at all, to be specific.)

“Yesterday Danny was busy getting an introduction to the family business,” Damian said, and Jon lit up with realization, before pausing.

“Wait. Danny didn’t know before?” He asked, picking himself up off the floor.

“No, why?”

“I thought you knew! I told you I had superhearing!” Jon strained to keep his voice at a whisper level, looking around the classroom to make sure no one was listening in.

“You told him you had what?” Damian asked incredulously before Danny had the chance to answer.

“I thought he knew!”

“What does me knowing have to do with superhearing?” Danny asked, tilting his head like a puppy.

“I’m Superboy!” Jon flung his hands into the air, as a dumbfounded look came across Danny’s face.

“Oh… that makes a lot of sense.” Danny said after a beat of silence.

“What did you think it was?” Damian asked, his frantic energy much better hidden than Jon’s.

“I don’t know? Metas don’t have to be heroes! He could have just been a dude with superhearing!“ Danny protested.

“How are your deductive skills so horrendous?” Damian asked, and Jon really didn’t think he was expecting an answer.

“Hey! This isn’t as bad as it could be! I thought Roy was Red Hood!” Danny said, like that was a good defense at all.

“Why would Roy be Red Hood? Your father is Red Hood.” Damian said, appalled.

“To be fair, at that point I was pretty dead set on the idea of Jason being a prostitute.”

“Why would Jason be a prostitute!” Damian exclaimed.

“What’s a prostitute?” Jon asked, watching as his friends faces blanched.

“Ask your mom.” Danny said, not meeting Jon’s eyes.

”Yeah, do that.”

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