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Danny's rampant chrisma

DICK was having a decent day so far. Well, a sort of decent day. As he moved his hand to grab more cereal, he could feel his fresh bruise twinge against his upper arm. An average day.

Tim threw the door open startling Dick into dropping his spoon onto the floor.

You know what, it was a terrible day.

Tim obviously didn’t share Dick’s grief, not pausing as he shoved his phone in Dick’s face.

“Ok so I was doing some basic research last night on Danny, not because I was suspicious or anything- I mean I was suspicious but not the point-“ Tim passed his phone to Dick and leaned back, barely pausing for air. “And apparently ghosts are a thing now, and I have no clue how I’d never heard of this before-“

Dick looked down at the phone in his hand, confused. Then he read the title and it felt like the world froze.

‘Daniel Fenton, Died at 15, Funeral on…’

“What the fuck is this?” Dick questioned the boy across from him. Tim froze, before frantically starting to speak again.

“That’s our biggest problem. Daniel Jack Fenton died one year ago on April 15th in a lab accident, at age 15. Now usually I would think oh wow wild coincidence, but not only has there been no other Daniel Fentons in Amity Parks recorded history, look at this picture!”

Tim scrolled down on the phone still in Dicks hand, and on the obituary site there was a picture of someone who looked just like Danny, only older.

He was flashing the camera a peace sign and grinning wide, wearing a baggy nasa hoodie and standing by two other teens.

One had Dark skin and glasses and a red beanie on his head, and he was shooting the camera a peace sign as well.

On Danny’s other side was a pale girl with short dark hair and a gothic aesthetic, sending the camera an almost bored look.

Dick couldn’t tear his eyes away from the boy in the center though, looking like some funhouse reflection of the kid he was talking with not even ten hours ago.

“So what the hell does this mean?” Dick said, after processing the news and turning to Tim, who was practically vibrating.

“That’s what I was confused about, but there’s more.” Tim quickly took the phone from Dick, opening up what looked like a news article.

‘Modern Day Grave-robbers or Ghostly Phenomenon? The Mystery of Daniel Fentons missing corpse.’

The Boy king and The Dark KnightsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu