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DESPITE WHAT the majority of people who met him might say, Jason was not impulsive.

Well he was kind of impulsive, but most of the time people confused him being hot headed with him being impulsive.

Which was stupid.

Jason was a had been a Robin, and if there’s one thing he got from Bruce besides Trauma and Muscles, it was plans.

And Jason had a lot of plans.

Probably too many plans, but that’s debatable.

He had been planning to adopt Danny since he pulled the kid into his arms the night before, wanting to make sure the kid knew he was his, and Jason wasn’t ever going to think of him as a burden.

Yeah, maybe he didn’t have the best timing on announcing it, but it seemed like a good idea when he had said it, and Tim had gotten on board pretty easy.

Now to convince Danny.

“I mean, I’ve been wanting to adopt you officially for a bit now.” Jason said.

“You have?” Danny’s voice jumped up a few octaves.

“Well, yeah. I kinda thought it was obvious.”

“Why would you- people don’t- how long-“ Danny shoved his head into his hands and groaned. “Why?” He finally asked, looking at Jason with pure confusion in his eyes.

“Because I like you and I can.” Jason stated simply.

“That doesn’t seem like a very good reason for adopting someone.” Bruce said, but he looked even more confused than Danny at the situation. Jason totally wasn’t reveling in the fact that he had caught “The worlds greatest detective.” by surprise.

Okay, maybe he was reveling a bit.

“You have no room to talk Mr. I’m-going-to-adopt-the-random-kid-who-stole-my-tires.” Jason frowned at him, and Bruce frowned back.

“This isn’t a smart decision Jason, I’m just looking out for your best interests. I had the resources to raise a child. You live in an apartment in Park Row, not to mention your job-“ Bruce started, and Jason could feel himself grit his teeth.

“You were right Jason, it is only rich pricks that call it Park Row.” Danny interrupted Bruce, and Jason could hear Tim trying to hold back laughter just as much as he was.

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