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A/N : i getting tired of typing these names imma stop at one point.

Whats a Family without alittle(a lot of) teasing?

DAMIAN WAYNE hated school. This wasn't a very new development of course, but as Damian picked up a liter of coke and put it in his shopping cart for an inane school project his hatred of the American education system was only reinforced.

They were making soda volcanoes like in one of the horrible made for T.V. movies Dick made him watch, and it took all of Damian's self restraint not to smash his group mates heads into their desks anytime he needed to interact with them.

Damian was pushing his shopping cart through the store and trying to decode Drake's horrible handwriting on the shopping list the older boy had given him when he heard he was headed to the store.

He couldn't tell if Drake wanted 5 or 3 boxes of Keurig coffee, but either number was concerning for both his physical and mental health.

Might as well get five.

Damian was turning the corner to go find the vegetarian section when his cart nearly slammed into someone else's. Looking up to scold the other person for almost running into him, Damian's brain short circuited when he saw the man he nearly crashed in to.

"Todd?" Damian said his name like a question. It was strange to think his brother Todd would do something so domestic as shopping, not when the concept of Todd that lived in his head was constantly being angsty or shooting people and making witty remarks.

"What're you doing here pint-size?" Jason asks, looking into Damian's cart as he bristles at the childish nickname.

"I needed to collect supplies for a school assignment, and Drake decided he wanted me to pick up items for him while I was out."

"Ah, got it. Chore boy then." Jason grinned.

"I am not a chore boy to that incompetent fool you-" Damian starts, knowing that Jason was always like this, teasing remarks thrown at others just to see their flustered reactions, but Damian doesn't care he's being played cause Jason is good at what he does but if he thinks he can get away with implying Damian is subservient to that no-good self-sacrificial-

"So are you just an ass to every random kid you meet?" Damian startles at the new voice behind him, realizing that he was far too distracted by Todd being ornery to have not noticed someone sneaking up on him.

"Hey!" Jason pouted in fake offense. "I actually know this one!" Damian turned to look at the boy Jason was so casually bantering with.

He was shorter than Damian, and probably a few years younger. His coloration was similar to the rest of Damian's family, but he lacked the muscle and confidence that came so naturally to each of Bruce Wayne's wards. He was wearing clothes that were a few sizes too big on him and- was that Damian's hoodie?

"Danny, this is my brother." Jason said, gesturing at Damian. "Damian, this is Danny. He lives with me now."

Damian turned to Todd's grocery cart, noticing both frozen meals and cooking ingredients, coming to a horrific realization.

"Todd, you're turning into father." Damian says as Jason's face immediately drops and he starts sputtering.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Danny asks, causing Damian to turn his head back towards him.

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