

It was then when Leon finally lost consciousness.

HIS eyelids felt heavy, remaining closed. He couldn't open his eyes for as if his lids were stuck together. It felt heavy.

The memories before he lost consciousness started to back, recalling every moment. Yet the first that came into his mind was her.


Hearing the soft sigh, Leon pretended to be asleep. He felt a warm hand gently caressing his face before moving to touch his hair.

"What is going on in this mind of yours... to even think that it would be safe to come here in a heavy rain?"

He lightly stiffened. 'Does she know I'm awake?'

The voice he knew so well made his heart stop. Cordelia was beside him, lying on the same bed while gently stroking his hair. His heart began to pound knowing that it was her.

Cordelia soon retracted her hand from Leon's hair, pulling the thick blanket over his body.

"You must've been tired." She muttered, talking to him despite thinking he was asleep.

"Hah..." She gently heaved a breath. "How can I remain mad at you, if you keep appearing in front of me like this?" Her thumb softly rubbed his cheeks.

Upon saying that, Leon's eyes began to flutter open. Noticing that he was waking up, Cordelia quickly pulled her hand away.

"Hold me a little longer." He said weakly.

"You were awake?"

Leon didn't answer her question, but instead, the corners of his lips rose into small smile.

"Do you want water?"


Cordelia carefully sat up and reached for the water on the bedside table, giving it to Leon. Instead of being scolded by her like he expected, Cordelia was surprisingly calm and gentle.

Leon slowly sat up before he quenched his thirst. Although in the midst of it, he almost choked when he heard what she said next.

"I hope you don't mind... since your clothes were wet, I took them off and hanged them to dry." Cordelia faintly mumbled. Her cheeks were lightly flushed as she recalled the sight and feeling at his hard muscles.

Cordelia cleared her throat, attempting to change the subject. "Did you... follow me all the way here?"

Leon quickly averted his gaze. "No." He muttered.

"You're lying."

He flinched, suddenly feeling a lump in his throat, unable to get a word out.

"Tell me truthfully. Why did you follow me?" Her tender voice that calmly asked him was enough to soothe him entirely. It was no longer her cold voice that made his heart twist, making him feel at ease.

"I began missing you." He whispered, looking into her eyes.

"It hasn't been a day since we last saw each other."

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now