Chapter 6

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"What is your name?" She asked the man before her, the gigolo that she paid for, whose task is to only listen and talk to her.

"......" The fine man remained silent, boring his eyes onto her, as if reluctant to answer her question.

Although it was daytime, he still wore a ridiculous mask. Yet the mask still couldn't hide his beautiful features.

Cordelia could not figure out a face of him, for half of his face was covered with the ridiculous mask. But she knew early on, that he was certainly good looking with one look.

"Don't you feel stuffy with that mask on?" She asked.

"It's a rule to never remove our mask, madam." He answered. His voice had changed upon drinking a potion on his way to the red house. Therefore his voice was unrecognizable by Cordelia.

"Ah, so you will wear that all the time?" She asked curiously, slightly tilting her head in amusement.

"Yes." Leon answered briefly. Just a word, and nothing else. His blatant straightforwardness.

"Is that so..." She trailed, taking the cup into her hand to take a sip of the freshly brewed tea. "I see."

"I presume that you already know this from what I've said to you in our previous encounter." Cordelia trailed as she carefully placed the teacup on the table.

Cordelia had ordered tea and deserts. And now, they were amidst of getting to know each other.

His eyes lingered on her, as if studying her. His thought was getting clouded with certainties of Cordelia as he observed his wife, whom he never paid attention to nor given the proper care a husband should have to his wife.

The warm rays of sunlight gleamed from the window of the room. Faint rays leaving a subtle glow on her skin as she raised her head to look at him.

"As I've said last time, I have no intention of sleeping with you." She said, her eyes boring onto him.

The two of them sat in front of each other, with a table in between, sitting in a rather awkward atmosphere.

"Nor do I have imprudent thoughts about lusting over your body in any particular way." She added, smiling at him in a friendly matter.

Cordelia hoped he'd speak more, but he seemed too guarded around her, as if he didn't believe her words and her intentions.

Leon sat straight with his muscular arms crossed on his hard chests. His legs crossed as well.

"Sure." He said, pausing for a short moment as he moved his eyes onto hers, meeting her amber orbs.

"But when you said you wanted a friend whom you could talk to, I couldn't help but wonder. Wouldn't it have been better if you were to choose a woman to talk to, madam?" His voice came straightforwardly, sounding blunt.

It was nowhere near how one should have spoken to a noble lady.

But instead of feeling offended by his blunt remark, the corners of her lips softly rose. Cordelia smiled subtly as she opened her lips to speak.

"Though I would have loved that, I believe that a woman's perspective in a marriage, especially when what I need is the perspective of a man, is different." Said Cordelia.

Leon's eyes lingered on her longer, trying to understand what she meant. His face remained still and cold, but his mind was curious.

"I wanted to talk about my marriage. And since you're a man with plenty of experience, I believe that you'd be able to give me a few advices on how I could improve my relationship with my husband?"

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