Chapter 23

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"Pah..." Soft pants left the little girl's mouth, amidst of catching her breath.

Her hands softly held her knees as she bent down, staring at the bright green grass beneath her feet that glowed beneath the sun, taking her time to catch her breath.


It was the girl's twelfth birthday, and the dress she wore was worthy of a simple celebrant.

'Gosh, what a tiresome path.' She grunted as she looked behind her back, briefly glancing at her father's humble estate.

'I'm sure father wouldn't mind.'

A soft giggle left her lips as she turned back to the path she was on. Determination shined in her eyes as she began to hurry her steps. The young girl was eager to arrive on the field of flowers nearby, as early as she could.

'I must hurry before my handmaidens notice that I am missing.' She thought as a grip occupied her soft lips.

Fixing her composure, the girl began to take long strides as she hummed a soft melody. As she passed along the trees that followed the path, the rays of sunshine delicately prickled her face. It felt good and warm.

As soon as she saw the field of flowers, the girl began to walk even faster. "How lovely!" She cheered, walking straight into the meadow. Her small laugh made it even more lovelier.

"Hicc... Hiccup..!"

Before she could plop down and roll around on the field of flowers, the girl heard a small hiccup. She stiffened, suddenly wary of her surroundings. She took a look around, nervous about what there could be.

'Is it a ghost?' Her face began to pale.

"Haa... Hicc...!" Another faint sob came from behind the trees.

"Who's there..?" Though scared, the girl still managed to ask despite her trembling voice.

And yet again, the girl heard another sob. This time, she took a step back.

"Show yourself...!" She spoke loudly. But her voice couldn't even be considered a threat.

Despite her fear, the girl garnered enough courage and began to draw near where the small cries were coming from.

"If you don't show yourself, I'll—!"

There she saw a boy pathetically sitting on the ground, crying in grief, nonstop. His small thin hands covered his face as his tears flowed continuously, followed by his small sobs.

"Ah..." She was dumbfounded.

'Where did he come from?'

'What is a boy doing here..?'

'No... In the first place, who is he?'

"A-Are you... alright?" She spoke quietly.

Suddenly, the boy stopped. The hands that covered his face were soon removed as he turned to look at the girl

A small gasp left the girl's lips. "You're pretty." She whispered, staring into the deep green eyes.

"Are you crying..?" She asked. Her eyes observed his sharp nose and rosy lips seemed as though sculpted by the angels.

"Is it not obvious?" The boy responded. Although he spoke sarcastically, his voice was shaky.

"I can very well see that."

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat