Chapter 5

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Loud yet patient knocks came from outside her chamber doors. Cordelia stiffened, carefully rising from the bed to open the door.

"Come in..." She spoke, grasping the handles of the door, knowing very well who it was.


As the door opened, it revealed her peculiar visitor. Her husband.

Leon stood tall, shadowing her height while looking at her with certainty.

"Ah..." She breathed.

"Please come in." Said Cordelia, opening the door for him.

Her servants, whom she dismissed earlier, were watching from a far distance, hiding behind the displayed armor in the corridor. They quietly squealed to each other, watching their two masters talk.

Her servants were the ones looking forward to the night the most. They prepared everything that must be prepared in a rush, as soon as Cordelia mentioned that Leon would be spending the night in her chambers.

The smell of lit candles and the scented oils hit Leon in an instant. He noticed it in an instant, but what he noticed the most was the one in front of him.


Like always, she was dressed in a very light dress. Her skin glimmered with the flickering candle lights, looking up at him.

Cordelia continued to hold the door, waiting for Leon to enter. And as always, Leon was unmoved. Not even a single trace of desire was seen in his eyes. Only the small glint of lust.

Leon readily entered the door, continuously walking toward the bed. He was dressed in a long thick robe, with his hard bare muscles rather evident.

And without a pause nor warning, he began untying the know of his long thick robe. The expensive fabric draped down Leon's shoulders, revealing his bare skin and muscles that he hid very well.

Amidst taking off his robe, Leon turned behind him and frowned upon Cordelia, who awkwardly stood still.

"Aren't you going to take off your robe?" He asked.


He heaved a sigh at her reluctant face, annoyingly pressing the bridge of his nose.
"It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before." He said.

"So why are you acting shy now?" He asked, raising his brows on her.

"It's just that..." Cordelia carefully trailed.

"I find it odd that you moved the date earlier than it is set..." She quietly responded, carefully loosening the string of her light dress.

"Then, if you don't mind." She said as she took careful steps, nearing him and showing the knotted ribbon she couldn't reach on her back. Cordelia quietly asked for Leon's help to untie it.

"Could you loosen the knot?" She said.

Without a word, Leon's hands moved at the end of the neatly tied ribbon, loosening it in an instant with one gentle pull. The light dress immediately fell off Cordelia's body, revealing her soft milky skin.

He swallowed a breath, his lust taking over his mind, occupying his gaze.

"Get on the bed." He said.

And as always, Cordelia followed what he said. With her face tinted red, burning warmly, she rose from her feet and lay on the soft bed.

Not even a minute passed when a large shadow hovered over Cordelia's body.

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang