Cecil's father got up and made his way to the altar as the first. The ten year old held his father's hand, following him. Cecil sr. looked about the congregation, "I didn't know Luna all that well, but Maverik and I are good friends." He started, "We go way back to elementary. We grew up in the same neighborhood. But you know how life goes. As we got older, we grew apart." He sniffed. "I remember about what seven, eight years ago? I got a call from a pay phone." He chuckled, making eye contact with Maverik, "I almost didn't answer. It was my brother calling to tell me he was getting ready to welcome his first kid and he was nervous. He asked if me and my wife would come by, to the hospital. And that was how I first met Sister Luna, in the hospital bed, holding her newborn baby. I've been there for each of Maverik and Luna's children's births. From the first to the last. To Maverik and all three of you beautiful beautiful little children, It's all love from me and mine. I got whatever you need."

"Dad." C3 whispered as the walked down the aisle. "Are you nervous?"

Cecil nodded his head, lightly squeezing his son's hand.

"Me too."

Cheyenne lead them to the pew behind the family, beside Q, Cobe's friend who was in the car with her when Cobe was shot and killed. Deciding it was best for her son not to go up to the casket, they went straight to their seats, touching Oz and the rest of the family as they walked behind them. She squeezed Q's hand as she sat down next to him. They gave each other sorrowful glances before turning their attention back to the service.

"How did he die?" C3 asked looking up at his mom.

She glanced at Cecil Jr., a tear rolling down her saddened face. He laid his arm over the top of the pew, caressing her shoulder. No one answered him. On the other side, Cheyenne's hand was clasped with Quincy's.

The service went on and nearly four hours later everyone was driving from the cemetery to the repass.

"I bet Kwabena ain't even know all these people." Cole complained, watching the people eating, too many people to accommodate in the dining hall. "Motherfuckers didn't give a Fuck about him got the nerve to be eating and shit over his dead body. Did they even give you any money on the funeral?" He asked Oz.

"Yo, chill out." Cecil shook his head.

"I ain't gone chill out nigga. That bitch over there is his mom sister. Ugly ass didn't even bat an eyelash when Oz asked for help raising him. He wasn't even asking for money, Just a little help. He traveling and shit and had to bring Cobe with him because all the freeloaders and fake ass niggas IN THIS ROOM said no. Matter fact, they ain't even respond at all."

"Cole." Oz warned.

"Am I lying though? They shouldn't be here."

"This just ain't the place." He responded, level headed although feeling the same.

The table was quiet for a few minutes until C3 asked for more food. Cheyenne got up and took him to get some leaving the table which allowed Cole to finally have the space to get something else off his chest.

"And who the fuck is that nigga with the dreads that's all on Cheyenne?"

Cecil jerked his neck, "Whatchu mean all on her?"

"Holding her hands and shit? I was sitting in front of y'all and I saw that shit. I don't know how you aint. Then, the way he was hugging her at the cemetery?"

"Nah, you reaching." Cecil denied. "Plus, me and Chey ain't together. So she can do whatever."

"I thought you wanted things to change?"

"It's not even about me and her right now. It's all about li'l man. Making sure he aight."

"Mm." Cole pinched his lips together, watching Chey and C3 walk back to the table.

"That fish bussin' huh nephew?"

"Bussin bussin." He smiled, not taking a second longer before digging in on his second plate. Cecil watched him eat while sneaking glances at his baby mom wondering if he should even be taking Cole serious.

"I'm going by Dame house to see the baby if anybody else wanna come." Cheyenne announced with a nod from Cecil who was also going. "I told Sadé I would bring her a plate."

"How they doing? Sadé and Damon?" Oz asked.

Chey shrugged, "Cool I guess. As cool as they can be with a newborn."

"And that's a beautiful baby."

They all agreed with Oz. Dame and Sadé did make an adorable coffee-brown little girl.

"Did they decide on a name yet?"

"Yes." Cheyenne was excited to share. "Her name is Obadiah Kimani George-Craighead."

"Kimani?" Oz mumbled, looking out the corner of his eyes getting emotional. "That's nice." He smiled smally. "That's really nice." He stood as Jemaika arrived to the table to get her, "Thank you," he nodded, "for singing such a beautiful song for my boy."

She smiled widely, "Of course! And don't thank me, please. I grew to like Cobe. He was cool."

"You knew him?"

"For a brief time, yes."

"At any rate, I appreciate your presence. God bless." He said, hugging her loosely then leaving the group to go find his band mates.

"God bless you too!" She called after him with a sympathetic smile. "How could I tell him that his son tried to steal my man and run me over with a car?" She cooed to the table who laughed louder than they should have at a repass. "He was mean as fuck bro."

"He wasn't mean, he was a fighter."

"He always fought for what he loved for sure."

"Died doing that shit dawg." Chey mumbled, looking at her phone. Everyone stopped and looked at her, uncomfortable because she wasn't wrong.

"Anyway," Cole started, "I think we should head out before they try to make us help with clean up." He raised his eyebrows, standing up from his chair.

"You coming to Dame house?" Cecil asked Cole.

"Nah, I got plans."

"To do what?"

"Whatever I planned to do." He smiled sarcastically, linking arms with Jemaika before leaving the premises. Cecil sighed, waiting for his son to finish up his plate while Cheyenne went to make to-go ones. He played in C3's curls.

"You know I love you right?" Cecil asked casually, kissing his son on top if his head. "You better not forget it. Ever. You promise?" He asked the boy.

"Mhm." He mumbled.

"You gotta say it."

C3 swallowed his food and looked up at his father, making eye contact. "I promise I'll never forget."

"That's right." He rubbed the boy's forehead with his thumb. "That's right."

May 29,2023

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