interlude: War, what is it good for?

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The way war is set up is sort of like friendship. Either side has its own goal yet one would have no purpose with out the other. War can't be war if only one side is willing to fight, it'll be a losing battle from the start- forfeit.

However when the war is on, it can last for days, months, years, even decades before a winner is declared- before the battle is over. By this time every participant is battered and bruised. Limbs are held together by tape and bandage-mental stability no longer exists and everyone is about through with everything. It's time to throw in the towel and move on.

After decades of tugging and warring and taping and fixing, there comes a moment of clarity. It's like an absurd fantasy of a life of peace and tranquility dances across your consciousness and you want it. You wonder... how would it feel to just be? Is this fight worth the hassle? Does my friend even see the good in me? When we stop and stare deep into each other, after all these years, after all this taping and bandaging and making up after breaking up will it still be worth the hassle? Will we still be a we? Or will it just be a me and a he?


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