Chapter 8

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I am on my way to the studio and I'm pretty excited since I won my solo last week. "How do you feel about everything that Happened at competition." My mom asked. "Well I'm glade I won my solo because I didn't think I was going to win since Maddie got 2nd place. My mom nods as a sign for me to continue. "But I don't like how every time the moms fight they always bring me into it or I'm being compared to another one of my teammates." I said as my mom nodded. "I don't like that either." My mom said as we pulled up to the studio. "Just try to ignore it. I know it's hard but just try and focus on your dancing." My mom said as I nodded. I grabbed my dance bag and water and walked into the studio. "Hey Miss.Abby." I said. She smiled and waved. I walked in the den to all the girls talking. I put my things away and hugged all the girls. We talked before we were called to pyramid. We walked in Studio a. "Welcome back everyone." Abby said as everybody just nodded. "So last week we didn't have a clean sweep which means this week I need nothing but wins. Ok so on the bottom is Mackenzie, you got 2nd in your solo and you know how I feel about second." Abby said as Kenzie nodded. "Next is Maddie, you also got 2nd in your solo. Your slacking a lot. Alexia is thriving and winning. Try and catch back up cus you have a long way to go." Abby said. Maddie looked sad but she nodded. Honestly I hate when she compares us. "Next is Kendall, your technique wasn't the best." Abby said as Kendall nodded. "Next is Nia, your the same as Kendall." Abby said as nia looked disappointed. "Next is Chloe, your technique was a little bit better but your kind of just there." Abby said as Chloe nodded and Christi rolled her eyes. "Next is Kalani, you blended in well but I want more." Abby said as Kalani nodded. "And on top of the pyramid is Alexia, you won on your solo and you were the only one to win." Abby said as I smiled and nodded. "Ok this week we have a duet and a solo. Or course we have group but I'm talking about outside of the group. The solo goes to...........Alexia and it's contemporary. The duet also goes to Alexia and it's with a boy. We will work on the duet tomorrow but I wanna start with the group so everyone spread out and moms you are dismissed." Abby said as the moms left and we stretched.
Vanessa's Pov:
I was in the viewing room watching the girls learn the group number when Christi said, "Vanessa I know you feel like I'm just going after your daughter but I'm not. I'm just trying to let abby know how there isn't fair treatment and that all the girls need to be on an even playing field." "I understand that but at that same time you don't have to express that by comparing my daughter to your daughters. It's makes my daughter uncomfortable every time y'all do it. None of the girls like to be compared to their friends. We have Abby for that we don't need multiple Abby's." I said as all the moms nodded.
  *Time Skip*
Alexia's Pov:
"Ok Alexia so your duet partner is........Jake." Abby said as Jake entered studio a . I smiled and hugged him. Jake is a boy from this studio. He's also in my acro class and we're good friends. "Ok so in this piece y'all are lovers but his mom isn't really fond of you but he doesn't really care because he loves you." Abby said in one breath. We both nod. "So Jake your starting on stage right and Alexia stage left but your going to turn around and walk backwards to each other." Abby said as me and Jake did what she said.
*Time Skip*
"Ok you guys are done for today. Alexia go take a 5 minute break then come back in here for your solo." Abby says as I nod and walked in the den to get some water. Chloe and Maddie were the only people in here so I sat by them. "You and James love is so cute." Chloe said. My eyes got wide and I said, "What?! No we are literally just friends." "Well the way you both look at each other when you dance makes us think y'all like each other." Maddie said. I just rolled my eyes at them and continued drinking my water. "I ship you guys." Chloe said. "Same." Maddie agreed. I shook my head and headed into studio a to start my solo. "Ok Alexia your solo is the same song as the group." Abby said. I nodded but that was the first time she used the same music in one week. "Ok so your going to be sitting in the middle of the stage crissed crossed apple sauce." Abby said as I did as she said. "Ok your going to slowly look up but when you hear the song say, "since my love up and got lost on me." You lift that shoulder then turn your head to the side then grab your chin and turn it like this." Abby said as she demonstrated what I needed to do. I watched and recreated what she did. "Good!"
Vanessa's Pov:
I was watching my daughter practice her solo and I really like it. I used to not like watching my daughters dance until competitions but sitting in the viewing room is boring without doing something, So now I watch my daughter practice. "Her chero is really good." Holly said as the other moms agreed. "Yea it looks a little difficult." Kira said. "I'm sure she can handle the difficulty in this dance." I said. "I hope so cus if not Abby is going to flip." Kira said. I just ignored it because I feel like she just wants me to argue with her.
*Time Skip to Wednesday*
Me and my mom are about to do our interviews from last week. Of course I go first because I have to do school after this. One of the producers showed me a clip from the comp last week when the moms where comparing me to Maddie. "When the moms or anyone of that matter compare me to one of my friends it makes me uncomfortable because I'm not perfect and I don't dance better than anyone here. I think we all dance good. I also think it makes the other person uncomfortable." I said. I finished the interview then I went in the den to do school.
                        *Time Skip*
Everyone is In Studio a right now. Well not the whole studio but the whole dance moms cast because we are about to show the moms all the dances. We showed the group first then we took a 5 minute break. Then I went through my solo. Abby gave me like two corrections in my solo. But everybody told me I did good. I calmed my breathing and took some sips of my water while Abby went to get Jake. Soon Abby  came back in the room with Jake and we showed everybody our duet. After we finished everybody was shocked by the dance. Abby told us we did good then we went home.
              *Time Skip To Comp Day*
We got off the bus and fans where everywhere.   I was tired so I just waved at them. We walked to our room and I immediately started getting ready. Once I got dressed and did my makeup Abby called me to go through my dance. "Make the emotion big!" Abby said to me. When I was finished going threw my solo Abby said, " That was good just make certain emotions big, yes?" I nodded. "Ok girls and Jake go backstage with her and me and the moms are going to go find a seat in the audience." Abby said as I hugged my mom and made my way backstage. I was literally on in 2 more numbers. I watched the first girl do her number and she was honestly amazing. As the second girl walked on stage I quickly marked my number. The girls and Jake watched me as I marked my number. "You got this Lexi." Nia said as she hugged me. I hugged her back and got in the wings. Everyone hugged me as the other girl got in her ending pose. As she walked off staged I shook out the nerves that came. "Judges please welcome to the stage Alexia with a solo called, "Bruises".

As I did my ending pose everyone in the room was quiet. That kind of made me nervous until I got a standing ovation. I walked off stage and smiled. Nia handed me a water bottle and Jake said, "That was literally perfect." "I agree." Kenzie said. "Same." Kendall agreed. "You literally made me shed some tears." Maddie said. "Same." Kalani and Nia said at the same time. I smiled and thanked them. We walked to the dressing room and my mom immediately hugged me and told me how good I did. I smiled and thanked her. The other moms also told me I did good which kind of surprised me. Abby soon came in the room and opened her arms for me to hug her. "That was the best I seen you do it." Abby said as Gia agreed with her. "You do it amazingly in the studio but when it's comp you dance like it the last time your ever going to dance." Gia said. I smiled. I don't know about you but hearing good things from my coach is literally the best feeling in the world. "Ok go get that makeup off and put on your duet costume and makeup." Abby said. I did as she said and when I was done me and Jake went through our duet one more time with Abby. "Amazing." Abby said I we finished going through our dance. "Ok girls and Jake go a backstage. Moms come with me." Abby said. We walked back stage before Jake went to the other side of the stage he turned to me and said, "We got this. We need to tell the story and be really connected. You got this." Jake said to me with a smile. I smiled and thanked him as he walked to the other side of the stage. "That was so cute!" Kenzie said. I rolled my eyes and said, "Not you too." Kenzie laughed l. I walked to the wings and marked through the dance a little. The duet before ours came to an end. "Judges please welcome Alexia and Jake with a duet called, "Fire On Fire".

Got in our ending pose and the crowns went crazy. Me and Jake walked off the stage and all the girls where telling us how we would make a good couple and how good we did. I shook my head as Nia gave us a water bottle. We walked to the dressing room and everyone told us that they liked the duet. I took off my makeup and changed into my group fit. As I was doing my makeup for the group Abby walked in and told me and Jake that we did amazing. We went through the group one more time then went backstage. "Ok guys we got this." I said as everyone nodded. The group number before us ended so we all got in the wings and shook off our nerves. "Judges please welcome the stage Maddie, Chloe, Kalani, Nia, Alexia, Mackenzie, and Kendall. With a group dance called, "Bruises."

As we walked off stage I felt like we could have did a little better but I guess it's fine. We all grabbed a water bottle and walked to the dressing room.
*Time Skip To Awards*
We are at awards and I am blocking everything the announcer is saying until I hear her say, "In 1st place with a perfect score of 300 is........ALEXIA! With her solo called, "Bruises." I was shocked and happy. I got up with the biggest smile on my face. "Who choreographed this dance?" The announcer asked me. "Abby Lee Miller." I said into the Mic. I sat down and continued to block out the rest of the comp. Basically the duet got 1st place but we didn't get a perfect score BUT we were two points away from a perfect score. The group got 2nd. After awards we packed up our stuff and went home.

A/N This is kinda bad but I'm kinda back. I think. Anyways have a nice day

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