Chapter 4

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Alexia's POV:
Last week was kinda of hectic. I had a panic attack because of Jill. I love Kendall but I'm not to fond of her mom. ANYWAYS everyone is at the studio right now and I'm stretching while doing some homework. Surprisingly I'm 2 weeks ahead in school, so I'm good on school for like a week. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I look up to see Kendall. "I'm so sorry about last week." She said. "It's fine I'm past it plus it's not your fault at all." I said. She looked like she wanted to say something else but she just nodded. "GIRLS PYRAMID!!" Abby yelled. Everyone walked into the studio and got in a line. The moms were lined up on the side. "Ok so last week went somewhat good. ANYWAYS on yo pyramid. On the bottom is...... Kalani. You didn't dance last week due to you trying to heal. Do you think you will be able to dance this week." Abby asked. Kalani nodded. "Next is Kendall. You did good in the group dance but at the same time you were kinda just there. Next is Chloe. You did good. Next is Nia. You continue to impress me." Abby said as nia smiled. "Next is....Maddie. Your were second and second is the first to loose." Maddie nodded as she hung her head down. "Next is..... Mackenzie. You got first in your category." Kenzie smiled. "And on top is..... Alexia." I smiled as all the girls hugged me. "Ever since you came here you have been getting first place. Keep up the good work." I nodded and smiled. "Ok dances for this week. We have 1 trio going to Alexia, Chloe, and Nia." We all smiled. Nia looked extremely happy because Abby really hasn't given her a dance outside of the group yet. "I have one solo I'm going to give out. The solo is going to kalani." We all clapped and kalani smiled happily. "Ofc we have the group. Ok moms you're dismissed, girls spread out and stretch."
Vanessa's Pov:
As we were sitting in the viewing area I was very quit because I'm still kinda upset about the blowout that happen last week. "I would like to apologize for my behavior last week." Jill said. I just nodded as I was still watching the girls dance. Jill kept apologizing after that but I still didn't really acknowledge her. "Are you really just going to just sit there and nod your head and ignore me when I'm trying to apologize?" Jill asked. I looked at her like she was crazy and simply said, "yes." "May I ask why?" Jill asked. "Well because I think the only reason your apologizing is because you made my daughter have a panic attack. If it wasn't for that you wouldn't be sitting here trying to apologize. Like it's ridiculous, why does my daughter have to have a panic attack for you to stop messing with her. You should have stopped when you seen me break down and cry. So Jill that's why I'm ignoring and just nodding my head." I said. Jill just looked at me and sighed. I have nothing to say to her right now.
Alexia's Pov:
"And drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. That was great." Abby said. We were going over the group dance and it's a very good Dance. It is a very emotional dance. "Ok you guys are dismissed. Trio be back in 5 minutes. We all walked in the den and got water. "This dance is good so far." Nia said. We all nodded. "It just needs to be cleaned up." Maddie said. "I agree." Nia said. "Im excited for the trio." Chloe said. "Oh my gosh same. Abby never really let's me do any dances outside of the group, so I'm VERY excited for the trio." Nia said. "Amen sister." All of us girls said to Nia. "Ok let's go back to practice the trio." I said. Me, Nia, and Chloe walked back in studio a. "Ok girls your trio is called "Maneater". Nia is going to be the lead in this dance." Abby said as Nia smiled and jumped up and down. Me and Chloe clapped for Nia and hugged her. Honestly I'm happy for Nia, she deserves it.
*30 Minute Time Skip*
"Alexis your going to drop to your knees first, then Nia, then Chloe." We all nodded and did as Abby said. We went through the whole dance. "Ok we will clean the dance up later on this week. Alexia tell kalani to come in here for her solo." Abby said. I nodded and we all walked out. "Kalani Abby needs you for your solo." I said. Kalani walked in studio a as I got a drink of water. "So how's the trio." Kenzie asked. "It's good but Abby said we will clean it up later on this week." I said. "Where's kendall?" Chloe asked. "She's in a ballet class." Kenzie said. I looked at the time and realized I had some classes to take. I do all styles so I have to take all the classes Abby has. My first class is hip hip. I hope one day Abby gives me a hip hop solo. I got ready for my first class and went in studio c to wait for the teacher to arrive.
*Time Skip*
I'm now at home. I took a shower. So now I'm doing school while stretching. I have to stay as flexible as I can, so try to stretch anytime I can. My mom came in my room and hugged me. " Ok that's enough school for today. You've done 4 hours." I nodded and put all my things away. "Ok good night sweetie." My mom said as she hugged me again. "Goodnight mom." I said as I hugged her back. My mom walked out and I went to sleep.
*Time Skip to Wednesday*
Alexia's Pov:
"On that turn to the splits point your feet and match the beat." Abby said as we were going through the trio dance. We finally finished and cleaned up the trio. Abby told us to tell kalani to go in to clean up her solo. "Alexia you and your mom need go do your interview from last week." Gia said. I nodded and went to the viewing room to get my mom. As I walked in all the moms had their eyes on me which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. My mom smiled as she saw me and said, "Hi sweetie." "Hi mom." I said. "The trio looks great." Holly said. "Thank you. It's a very fun dance and I think all of us like it." I said. All the moms nodded. "Mom Gia said we need to go do our interviews for last week." My mom nodded as she got up and followed me. We walked in the interview room and this time I went first. The producers showed me a clip of me walking out and having a panic attack. They told me to explain how I was feeling in present time. "When a mom talks about you in your face it's kinda uncomfortable, so I just walked out. For the past 2 weeks Jill has been mad about me having solos and any dances outside of the group. Jill got to me and I had a panic attack." I said as I let a few tears slip out. We finished my part of the interview so I went and took the rest of my classes for the day while my mom stayed to do her interview.
              *Competition Day*
We are now at competition and I'm so excited. People are lined up everywhere and they all know me now because of the first two episodes I was in. We walked in and found our dressing room. Kalani put her makeup up on for her solo and then she put on her red slit dress. "Ok kalani let's run through this dance real quick." Abby said. Kalani went through her dance and it looked amazing. "Ok that was good just us more emotion. Your only giving me a little emotion we need more."  Abby said. Kalani nodded and said, "Oh I know I was just kinda marking the emotion part." Abby nodded. "Ok girls go backstage and the rest of us will sit in the audience." We walked backstage. Kalani had 2 more numbers before her so she just drunk some water and stretched a little more. "How are you so calm right now?" I asked Kalani. "Because I'm not trying to psych myself out like you do dude." Kalani said. "Are you even nervous?" Kenzie asked. "Ofc I am. I'm just trying not to show it." Kalani said as she got up and went in the wings. "Well your doing a very good job." I said. The girl before kalani had did her ending pose and all of us girls hugged kalani and told her she was going to do great. "Please welcome to the stage number 222 with a solo called "SSSA". Cheers were heard as kalani walked on stage.

She danced so well I had tears in my eyes. As she walked off stage Nia handed her a water bottle. "Are really crying right now?" Kalani asked me. I laughed with tears in my eyes and said, "Yes cus that was amazing." "Thanks dude but you sound like my mom." Kalani said as everyone laughed. We walked back in the dressing room and the moms congratulated Kalani. Me, Nia, and Chloe did our makeup for our trio as Abby walked in.  She instantly hugged Kalani telling her how good she did. As we were putting our red costumes on Abby Abby said, "Let's go over the trio." We went over the trio and then went backstage. I was nervous but since I had 2 other people dancing with me I'm not as nervous as I would be if I had a solo. We all stood in the wings as the announcer called us on stage. "Please welcome to the stage number 286 with a trio called "Maneater". Before we stepped on stage I heard all the girls whisper/yell good luck.

Vanessa's Pov:
The trio looked good. Jill hasn't stopped trying to apologize. I guess I'll talk to her later about the whole situation. ANYWAYS the trio finished and it was very interesting to watch.
Alexia's Pov:
As we walked off stage the girls told us we did good. In my opinion Nia slayed this dance. We walked to the Dressing room and got ready for group. As we were getting ready Abby walked in and hugged everybody who was in the trio. "Nia you really shined today in the trio. All of you did good but Nia really pulled my eyes because she's been improving." Abby said. I smiled as I hugged Nia. I'm really proud of Nia. She's come a long way. After we were done getting ready for group we ran through the dance. We walked backstage and waited for our dance to be called. "Please welcome to the stage number 308 with a group dance called "Helium".

As we finished I saw Melissa and my mom bowling their eyes out. We walked off stage very happy. "That was so good!!!" I squealed. The girls all agreed as we took a drink of our water. 
    *Time Skip To Awards*
"In our teen solo division 1st place goes to....Kalani with SSSA." Kalani happily walked up and took her trophy. I smiled when she sat back down and congratulated her. "In our advanced teen trio devision 2nd place goes to bossy. 1st place goes to........ Maneater." We all squealed and ran to get the trophy. After that was group awards we got 1st place. We finally got our clean sweep. We are now on our way to the concession stand to get food. 
Vanessa's Pov:
"The trio did good today. They won." Jill said. I just looked at her but all the other moms nodded their heads. "Jill can I speak with you in the hallway really fast?" I asked. Jill nodded as we made our way in the hallway. "I just wanna let you know that what you did last week was hurtful to  me and my daughter." I said as Jill nodded. "That being said, I'm going to finally forgive you even though you have been attacking my daughter since we came here. The only thing I need from you is to stop talking about my daughter." I said. Jill nodded and said, "And is I'm very sorry." I nodded. We walked back in the dressing room and Holly asked, " are we all good now?" I looked at Jill and then back at Holly and said for now.
Alexia's Pov:
We are now walking back to the dressing room. All the moms congratulated us for our clean sweep as we walked in the room. Soon Abby walked in and hugged all of us congratulating us for winning all three dances. "Ok go home and get some rest for next week. Be ready next week there going to be a change in style." Abby said as she walked out of the room. All of us looked at each other scared, confused, and sleepy.

A/n this chapter is rushed but I hope you liked it.

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