Chapter 6

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Alexia's Pov:
As my mom was driving me to the studio I was thinking about how pyramid was going to go. We didn't get a clean sweep last week so I'm thinking pyramid isn't going to go well. We finally arrived to the studio and my mom got my bags out for me but I helped her because I'm not a brat. I walked in the studio and greeted Abby and Gia then I hugged my mom and went in the dancers den. I walked in to all the girls chatting. "Hi guys." I said. "Hey Alexia." All the girls said. I sat on the floor and started stretching while the other girls went back to there conversation. For some reason I'm not in a talking mood but I'll still talk if anyone talking to me. "GIRLS PYRAMID!!" Abby yelled. We all quickly got up and went in studio a. "Ok so last week only one dance got first and that was the group dance. This week I'm expecting all dances to place 1st. Moving on to pyramid on the bottom is Kenzie, the trio you were in got 5th and you were just off in it. Next is Kendall, you were also in the 5th place trio. Next is Chloe, same for you, but you actually outshined both Kendall and kenzie. Next is kalani, you shined in certain parts of the group. Next is Nia, you kind of just blended in. Next is Alexia, you were second for your solo so your second on the pyramid. Personally I think you did an amazing job but that wasn't up to me. And in the top is MADDIE!!! You did a phenomenal job. Ok dances this week is going to be different. Every single one you have a solo. I want all of you to prove yourselves to me this week. We are going to start on all of your solos today. You all are fast learners so you all should be fine. All of you will stay in here while I work on everyone's solos. That being said girls spread out and moms you are dismissed.
Vanessa's Pov:
We are in the viewing area and Holly said, "I just don't know how she's going to choreograph 7 dances in less than 5 days." "Yea I can already tell that this week is going to be stressful." Christi said. "When is it never stressful?" I said. All the moms laughed and keria said, "You're right." "It's a good thing all of our girls can pick up choreography fast." Jill said. All of the moms nodded. I just hope my daughter finishes her dance. I thought to myself.
Alexia's Pov:
Today we are all going to learn half of our dances. Abby started with Maddie and the rest of us are just watching. Her solo is so beautiful. "When she says, "days are spinning past." You do that leap." Abby said to Maddie. She applied the correct and it looked so good.
     *Time Skip To Kalani's Solo*
Kalani is learning her dance now but she's only learned 30's seconds of it.  "Now do a front aerial then do this." Abby said as she demonstrated for kalani. "Then do the fan kick." Abby said to kalani. Kalani applied the corrections and then they when over a little more.
      *Time Skip To Kendall's Solo*
Kendall has learned some of her solo. Abby told her this was a "Maddie solo" which I think is kind of rude but Kendall is doing a good job. "Run and move your arm here then to here." Abby says to Kendall as she shows her what to do. "And keep the mirror in your hands at all times." Kendall nodded and then went over her dance some more.
            *Time Skip To My Solo*
I have 30 seconds of my solo done so far. I really like it and I hope I win with it. "Do a kip up then make this part emotional then do the turn." Abby said as I nodded. I applied the corrections then I learned a little more of my dance.
       *Time Skip To Kenzie's Solo*
Kenzie's dance is so goood!! It so mature for her age and it not acro it's jazz. She's honestly doing a good job. "When she says, "But I'm so gooone." Do this and look alway." Abby said to Kenzie. Kenzie did as she was told and she learned a little bit more.
         *Times Skip To Chloe's Solo*
I like Chloe's dance but I do think it's a little bit water down. "Do the turns I told you to do then connect it as you go on the floor." Abby said to Chloe. She did that and learned a some more of her dance. Chloe is doing good with what she's got.
          *Time Skip To Nia's Solo*
I love nia's solo because it looks so fun to do. "Ok Nia I want you to bark to bring out your inner dog." Abby said. Nia looked at her weird but did as she was told. "Ok so no it has to come from the bottom of your stomach." Abby said as she barked.
Vanessa's Pov:
"I don't like that fact that my child has to bark like a dog." Holly said. I nodded and said, " I agree with you. Nia isn't a dog she's a human." "Yea I have to  go down and say something." Holly said as she got up and made her why into studio a. "Abby is literally so crazy." Melissa said. I nodded.
Alexia's Pov:
As Nia was barking Holly came into the room and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt but I don't like the fact that my daughter is barking like a dog." Abby rolled her eyes and said, "She's not going to be barking like a dog in the dance. I just want her to get into character." "Well I was making sure because my daughter is not about to go on stage barking like an idiot." Holly said as she walked out. Abby rolled her eyes and taught Nia her half of her dance.
Vanessa's POV:
Holly walked back to the viewing room looking kind of upset. "Are you good Holly?" I asked. She nodded and said, "I just don't want my daughter going on stage barking like an idiot. She would be humiliated if she had to do that, but she would do it cus her dance teacher is telling her to do it. I know how my child would feel." I nodded in agreement.
*Time Skip To Wednesday*
Alexia's Pov:
We all learned the rest of our dances Tuesday, but today we are just cleaning it up. I took all of my classes I had to take and did my interview for last week. So right now I'm just doing school while stretching.
*Time Skip To Competition Day*
I'm on the bus and I'm sitting beside Nia. And we are watching Simone Biles movie documentary. Maddie is sitting beside kalani doing school. Kenzie is sitting beside Chloe playing uno. And Kendal is talking to Maddie and kalani while sitting in a seat beside them.
  *Time Skip*
We arrived competition and there are fans everywhere. We walked to our dressing room. We all sat down and I realized we haven't seen our costumes yet I guess Christi read my mind because she said, "Abby are the girls costumes here? Because if they are we haven't seen them." Abby nods and says. "They should be behind the curtains." We all walked in the curtains to put on our costumes and they where all pretty. "Alexia you and Nia are up first. You do your solo then there's a person before Nia. Let's start with Alexia since she has to dance first. Gia started my music and I started doing my dance with a lot of emotion. As I finished my dance I heard Abby said, "It was good just point your feet in the head spin." I nodded and got a sip of water as Abby went through nia's dance. "That was good, but in that one part, pop harder than that." Nia nodded and smiled. Me and Nia are in different category's, but me, Maddie, and Chloe are all in the same one. Nia and kalani are in one. "Nia your trying to beat kalani because she's in the same category as you. Alexia your trying to beat Maddie, Kendall, and Chloe. And vise Versa." We all nodded. "Oh and I just found out an agent is going to be here watching you girls perform. I found out when I came here. He wants someone to play in a musical, so try and dance your best." I was excited that an agent came to this competition. We walked backstage as the moms went in the audience. I was nervous because I had to try and beat Maddie, Kendall, AND Chloe AND try to impress the agent. I tried not to show my nerves by marking my dance. I stood in the wings waiting for the announcer to call me. The girl before me solo finished and all the girls came up to hug me and told me good luck. "Judges please welcome to the stage Alexia with a solo called "Stone Cold". I walked on stage and got in my pose.

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