Chapter 5

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A/n I'm so glade you all like my story :)! Not proof read

Alexia's Pov:
As I walked in the dance studio I had a very big smile on my face. I walked in the den where all the girls where. "Guys we got a clean sweep.!" Kalani says. We all squealed. "Ok guys this is very irrelevant but do you guys want to go have lunch with me later." I asked. "Awww guys she asking us in a date." Kenzie said with a playful pout. I laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Sure, where we going?" Kalani asked. "I was thinking subway." I said. All the girls nodded. "We will tell all the moms later." Nia said. We all nodded as we walked in studio a for pyramid. "Last we week we got a clean sweep." Abby said. Ok she jumped right into it. No hey, hello, how are you. "I'm proud of all of you. On to pyramid. On the bottom is Kendall. You need to work in straightening your legs more. Next is Kenzie. You did good in the group but you really didn't draw my eye in any way. Next is Maddie. You did an excellent job in the group, but that's the only thing o could judge you on this weekend. Next is Chloe. You were in the winning trio. Next is Alexia. You were also in the winning trio, but you just kind of blended in." Abby said as I nodded. I was kind of sad that she said I just blended in. I'll just work harder this week. "Next is Nia. You were the lead of the trio and you surprised me with how good you did. On top of the pyramid is.....Kalani. You win your solo and you deserved to win. You were outstanding." Abby said with a smile on her face. Kalani was also smiling very big. "Ok on to dances. This week we are going to be doing hip hop." Abby said. All of us got happy but Chloe didn't because that's not her strongest style in Dance. "Chloe I'm going to leave  but it up to you if you want to dance this week." Chloe nodded and said, " I'll do it. I've been taking more hip hop classes so I think I got it." Abby nodded and said, "There are three dances this week. A solo that's going to Alexia." I smiled and did a happy dance. "Next we have a trio going to Kenzie, Kendall, and Chloe." That all smiled. I could tell Kenzie was happy about this dance because she loves hip hop. "Then we have a group dance. We will start with the group dance but Gia will teach all the hip hop numbers with the help of some of our hip hop staff here." Abby said. We all nodded. "Moms you are dismissed girl stretch."
Vanessa's Pov:
As we were sitting in the dancers den Christi said, " I'm kind of nervous for Chloe to do hip hop." "Why?" Holly asked with confusion laced in her voice. "Well even though she has been taking hip hop classes for almost a year, she hasn't competed in that style." Christi said. "I think a year is a good enough time. She'll be fine." I said. Christi nodded even though she looked kind of nervous. "It's going to be weird because to me Chloe is like the beautiful ballerina dancer." Christi said. All of us moms just nodded. "Yea but I think Chloe's got this." Holly said.
                       *Time Skip*
"Chloe run to the left and when it says, "I look to good to be driving that." I want you to do this." Gia said as she demonstrated what she wanted Chloe to do. "Got it." Chloe said. We went over that part. I don't know why m
Abby was worried about Chloe because she is so good at hip hop. "Ok that's all we are going to learn for now." Gia said. "Alexia your solo is next so please be ready in the next 5 minutes." Gia said. I nodded and headed in the den with the other girls. I got a sip of water and walked to Chloe. "Chloe your hip hop is so good.!" I said. Chloe smiled and said, "Thank you." We talked a for a few more minutes until it was time for me to go practice my solo. I walked in studio a and Gia and another teacher was in there. "Hi, I'm Tony and I will be working with you and Gia today." I greeted tony and nodded.   "Ok shall we start?" Tony asked. I nodded and waited for her and Gia to tell me the moves.
                 *Time Skip*
"Make that look smooth. It needs to flow." Tony said. I nodded and applied the corrections. "Yes!" Tony yelled as I applied the corrections. "Ok that's it kiddo. Your a fast learner. Your free to go." Tony said as she high fived me. I walked in the den to get my water bottle and do school for the next three hours.
              *Time Skip To Wednesday*
Right now I'm stretching. I already took all my classes for the day but we still have to go over all our dances for competition. We just have the group to clean up since me and Gia went over my solo earlier today. "Girls Abby is ready for you." Gia said. We all walked in studio a and got in our dancing positions. "Ok girls all we have to do is clean this dance." Abby said. We all nodded and began practicing.
                   *Competition Day*
It's comp day and we all are getting on the bus. I'm sitting beside Chloe, Maddie is sitting with Nia, Kalani is sitting with Kendall, and Kenzie is sitting with her mom. Kenzie wanted to sit with her mom because she was still sleepy. Me and Chloe are watching makeup videos. Well I'm watching makeup videos while doing school. "Girls do any of you want some snacks?" Melissa asked. Everyone said no except me. "Ofc you do." Kalani playfully said. Everyone laughed and my mom said, "Yea she's a big snacker."
                          *Time Skip*
We were now in the dressing room. I was getting dressed for my solo. Gia ran through my solo with me while Abby was on her phone the whole time. The girls and I walked backstage. I was on next so I marked my dance. I was a slight bit nervous because I haven't competed a hip hop solo in a while. "You got this Lexi." Maddie said. I smiled and said, "Thank You." I hurriedly said. The other girls came and hugged me before I went on stage. "Please welcome number 200 doing a hip hop solo called "Extraordinary".

I walked off stage feeling so high off the screams. Nia gave me a water bottle and then went back to the dressing room where Kenzie, Kendal, and Chloe where putting in their trio outfits. Abby walked in and said, "Alexia you did good. I thought it was good."We walked them backstage and then they were called on stage.

They did good but they were mostly sloppy. I don't know I'd this dance was a first play trio. Anyways I handed all three of them a bottle of water and we headed back in the dressing room. When Abby came back In the dressing room she said, "Girls that number is not a winning number." My eyes got wide at how direct she was. They nodded as they hung their heads down low. We got ready for the group then we walked backstage. The number before us literally just finished as we got In the wings.

I felt like we all had fun as we walked in stage.
            *Time Skip To Awards*
We got to awards and it went by fast. Let me summarize what places we got. I got 2nd with my solo, the trio got 5th, and the group got first. Ofc Abby yelled at us when we got in the dressing room but that's nothing new. We are now on our way home and I am exhausted.

A/n Hi! I know this was bad but that's because it's rushed. I was very sleepy while making this. Anyways bye!

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