25✓ Saints Haven

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Nothing is worst than waking up in the middle of the night to hear bad news.

The summer holiday was over and Moyan asked, or more like demanded her son to be with her and since he actually misses his mom, he let his father bring him there.

Three days ago, he stopped communicating with us and all request went through to Moyan. For whatever reason, she seems to have him grounded and restricting him in every way possible. He left two weeks ago and it was just Tuesday night being the last time we spoke to him. No text, calls, nothing.

We were tightly cuddling in bed when Saint's phone starts ringing. It was her calling.

When he got the news and it's the quickest I've ever seen him move. He looked both angry and defeated. He didn't panic or anything, just asked her basic questions while he gets dressed. Picking up clues from the conversation, I knew what's up before he could inform me. What I did was gave him a hoodie to cover him from the cold night air and told him to stay safe before he left.

I couldn't go back to bed and it seems the noise of the vehicle driving out woke up Reign as her bedroom was closest to the driveway. She came knocking and I had to explain what happened. Next was Reneal who heard the knocking and had to fill her in also.

"Little Saint run weh."

"Ehh?" She was visually and emotionally shocked because she almost fell but Reign was quick to catch her. "Why? Wahmn'?"

"Remember how all a wih deh call, text and try reach out tu him on even social media? Even the twins guh on the game to do a online but him nuh deh on at the regular time?" Reign listed and she nods. "Him mada ground him and tek him devices..."

"But little Saint nuh give trouble or anything fih shi duh dat." She starts crying like I was. "Wah time?"

"Bout one." In the morning. I looked at my phone, feeling like it would make no sense to call Saint or anyone else for an update.

We moved to the living room but I went out on the varandah when I was getting too emotional. The more I cried, I made it bad for the girls who might think the worst.

It was around four something when I was outside walking around the yard and watching the darkness fading into day. I heard the gate opening and rushed up the steps to see little Saint pulling a bicycle along. Blood and dirt on his clothes as he shook like a leaf, looking frightened.

"Saint!" I yelled relieved, almost falling on my face.

"Mummy!" He called, dropping the bicycle and hopped towards me.

"Oh thank God!" I shout, lifting him up and hugged him tightly. I didn't care for his weight, it was the least of my worries. "Yuh good? Why yaa bleed..."

"I'm okay..." He cries, hugging me tightly.

"Reign! Reneal! Call Saint or Decon! Little Saint deh ere!" I yelled.

"Saint!" Reneal calls him while I see Reign shakily using the phone.

I brought him inside and told Reneal to lock the grill. Putting him on the couch and starts running around grabbing things.


"Where yuh get cut?" I asked him and search him from head to toe looking for the wound. I found wounds.

Dirt and grass was in his hair and forehead. Lips burst and bleeding. Cheeks red and swollen butvthat looks more suspicious. Both his arms has scraps and so for his fingers with his nails having dirt. His palms red and irritated with dried blood on them. Scraps along his stomach and knees bruised.

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