Y/n bit her lower lips and looked at his puffed chest .

"Do you like it ? When I go near any Man ?" Y/n asked , She wanted to know does he still feel the same towards her ? Does Lily coming back will not affect them ?

"Definitely not ,Princess .I have told you , You are mine princess and till the moment I am alive ,no fucking man can touch you ,if they did they will face the consequences as well as you " His dark cold voice spoke , just thinking about being near her and that person is not him made him punch the wall .

Her heart fluttered and she blushed a little .

"Did my princess just blush ?"

"No ?"

"Is that a question or my answer darling ?".

"I .DIDN'T " Y/n gritted through her teeth .

"You didn't answer my question though - Tell me ? Do you like it when i go near any woman ?".

"I don't mind "

"You sure ? Because your heart says other thing .As always Lee Y/n you are hiding your feelings and gaslighting yourself "

Look at him the victim player .

"Kim Taehyung ,You are the who lied to me that you didn't meet Lily ,You are the one who always hurt me ,You are the one who gives mixed feelings ,Ask yourself the same question - Do you even love me ? Or just want to use me ? "
Taehyung 's eyes darkened .

"Lee y/n ,I lied to you because I didn't want you to misunderstand us anymore , Lily is nothing to me and you ,Lee y/n is my everything ."

He was kinda right , Y/n also hid the fact that Eunwoo confessed to her .

"Was that so difficult for you ? To clear the misunderstanding between us ? Will you let me go ? Just because I am jealous of you and Lily ? Will you not hold me ---".

"Who told ? I have promised myself and to you Lee y/n the moment you came in my life again , you can't leave me again and i won't let you .Do you know how much I suffered when you were gone from my life ? Did you asked me how I feel ? Or you will just drop to conclusion every time ?" Taehyung spoke raising his voice .

" You don't love Lily ?" Y/n could only ask this question ,she was not ready for his confession ,not ready to listen that he loves her back .


Silence ,the heavy breath of Taehyung could be only heard and y/n 's stiffness
Y/n was so nervous listening his confession ,He finally confessed .

Knock was heard ,only y/n stared at the door ,Kim Taehyung only stared at the girl infront of him,whom he loved more than himself .

"Taehyung ? Is y/n with you ? Mr Park is searching for you both " .

Taehyung didn't reply to the stranger .
Y/n looked back at him ,only to find his coffee like eyes staring at her ,making that enough to weak her legs .


"Answer me y/n ? Do you love me ? "

"Someone is knocking ,Taehyung "

"So ,what ? Let them .It is not important more than us ,I want to know " .

Y/n sighed .

"What if I don't ? "

"Again y/n , I told you Don't gaslight yourself ,I know you do love me ,your eyes are enough to tell me what you feel " .

Y/n just glared .

More than Friends [K.T.H]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora