Doing my usual morning routine, I wore a red sleeveless sweater, and white pleated skirt.


Sprinting towards the machine, I blow dried it with my hair dryer.

Ugh, I should've done this yesterday!

Finally after a lot of struggle, I managed to dry it. Folding it neatly, I shoved it inside my purse.

Applying light makeup, and my usual strawberry lip balm, I sprinted out to find my car. Sitting on the back seat, the driver drove me towards the building.

"Good morning mam"

The cheerful face which I was greeted by everyday, came into view. I smiled and wished the receptionist back, and walked towards the cabin.

As the distance was decreasing, my hearbeat was increasing. I don't know why, but I felt kinds nervous after yesterday's event.

I didn't wanted go face him again. Imagining his face infront of my eyes, my heart raced.

Why the hell?

Exhaling loudly, I knocked and entered inside the cabin.

But today was different than my expectations. I didn't saw the same face I'm used to everyday.

"Good morning Miss Y/n!" 

A cheerful voice made me come out of my thoughts.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Jung..."

I smiled to him, and sat on the couch.

"Taehyung is busy with a meeting, he'll be back after a while. How's work going on?"

He asked while sipping his coffee.

"Um, pretty good till now."

He nodded his head, as he signalled me to sit infront of him. I quickly stood up and walked over to him and sat infront.

I looked at him to continue.

He smiled again, and slightly pushed a coffee cup towards me. My eyes widened a bit as I looked at him again.

"N-No sir, it's o-"

"Have it."

Sighing, I bit my lips and mouthed a 'thank you'. Slowly bringing up the cup towards me lips, I took a sip.

Damn, it was good.

"Miss Y/n, you know that our company is worldwide known, right?"


"So, the software that we make and the products we create, make a huge difference."

I listened to him quietly, eyes glued to his face.

"Coming straight to the point, we are planning to spread our products around the world. And for this, you need to go on different meetings, conferences and appointments with the CEO and the other members..."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"And you need to work harder this time, as our work is getting more difficult and schedules are turning busier..."

"Yes sir..."


He put his hand infront of me, and grinned.

"Out of context, but I'm Jung Hoseok, as you've heard before. I'm the CFO of this company. And whenever there is any financial problem, you have me."

Wait, again a higher authority?

Fuck, how many big people am I gonna meet?

I smiled and shook his hands.

"Umm, this file includes interest rates. So, can you check this file for me once?"

He handed me a file, as I nodded and took it.


I opened the pages as my eyes scanned each and every word and number in it.

"Taehyung really manages all this perfectly." He glanced around, resting his chin on his hands.


"He's really a hardworking person, but once the anger takes over him, it's over."

He let out a small chuckle.

He's right.

I looked up at him blankly. He chuckled again at my reaction.

"What? I'm his best friend. I know his personality. He's good most of the times, but sometimes, he just acts weird. Does he act like that with you too?"

I sighed and diverted my eyes back to the file.


"Don't be scared. I won't tell anyone. Everything's just between you and me. Promise."

I blinked for few times and looked at him.

"You know, I never break promises. Trust me." He giggled cutely, which made me smile.

Ah, he's so sweet.

I sighed loudly and flipped the pages.

"Yeah you're right. He's a good person. But sometimes, he really gets mad for no reason. He blurts whatever he wants and acts like crazy. He and his rules, are the most crucial for him..."

He burst into laughter as he wiped a fake tear. I glanced at him and back at the file.

Speaking to him was really like a serotonin. It made me relaxed.

"Wait, is he rude?"

"Yeah, sometimes. He orders me to do some useless things. And most importantly, he is so cold. That day when I just went outside, he literally came finding me there. He is really scary. And to be honest, he is really rude. He can't even-"

"Miss Y/n!"

I jerked my head to see Mr. Jung, looking at me shocked.

Wait, did I speak too much?

As I was about to ask, I observed him closely. He wasn't looking at me, rather behind me...


I heard a throat cleared behind me, as my heart stopped for a second.

Y/n, you're fucked up again...

I turned my head behind to see Taehyung standing at the door, with his hands in the pockets.

His burning eyes met mine, as I swallowed a lump down my throat.

Shit, did he hear everything?

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