12 | Mirage of Myths

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, rookie," he says and I glare at him. "Erm...Amara. Thanks, Amara."

"You're welcome," I saw with an expression that makes it seem like I'm looking down on him. "You wanna take a break or skate more?"

"Skate!" he says with an enthusiasm that feels highly misplaced.

"Are you sure? You can barely glide five meters in these skates."

"Help me, then," he says and before I can object, he takes my hands in his and starts to skate along the ice. He keeps his eyes fixed on his feet, which I've seen him do every time he starts over.

"Hey, don't look down. Look at me, alright?" I say and he does as I say, lifting his nervous gaze and fixating it on me.

"That's good?" he asks and I nod.

"That's a start," I answer.

"What if I fall again? What if we fall together?"

"Aiden, relax!" I say, my voice louder this time and he takes it as his cue to stop talking for once. "Bend your knees a little and keep your weight forward."

He follows.

"Now to turn, twist your body in the direction you want to go and push off with your leading skate, alright? Let's do a right turn," I suggest, and realize his grip on my hands tightens. "Ready?"

He hums in response and squints.

"Okay so, three, two...one!" I say and we both turn at the same time, gliding along the ice just fine.

"Oh my god, we did it!" Aiden says, exhilarated, and leaves my hands, hoping to do a victory lap around the ice rink but all he meets with is yet another fall, one that makes a loud thud.

"Yup, you need more practice."


A few more rounds later, Aiden and I finally take a break and go sit on one of the public benches, watching Sadie and Javier skate flawlessly on the ice. They aren't gliding...they're floating.

"Have you ever come here before?" Aiden asks, taking off his skates.

"Couple of times," I answer, "with Sadie and Javier."

"Haven't you ever felt like third-wheeling?" he asks and manages to take off both his skates and stretches his legs.

"Sometimes, I guess?" I answer, taking off my skates as well. "Which is probably why she brought you here today."

"To keep you company?" he asks and I shake my head with a laugh.

"Trust me, if I had a choice, I'd pick a better company," I say, tilting my head to the side.

"Haha funny," Aiden mocks.

I sigh and answer him, honestly this time. "She planned a 'double date'," I say, inserting air quotes and Aiden nearly chokes on his breath.

"A double what?" he asks, shocked.

I release a long breath before answering him. "That's the thing about Sadie. She loves playing matchmaker. She's a good person, but I can't help but be annoyed at how childish she is sometimes. I mean...we're just co-workers! There shouldn't be any date involved in any of this."

I look up at Aiden and he takes a second to nod. "Yeah, co-workers. Exactly!"

"Right?" I say with another laugh, feeling his eyes linger on me for a while. "Anyway, what do you think about Diana?"

"What do I think about Diana?" he repeats, still staring at me like he's staring at a dream.

I click my fingers before his face, breaking his daze. "About the tarot card that Janet sent her. The reversed nine of pentacles?"

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