ii, Vamp training

Start from the beginning

Once she was ready, she stepped out of the bathroom, immediately met with Derek who was standing by the opposite wall, waiting for her to come out. "I'll take a quick shower." He said, and she nodded, which he returned before slipping into the bathroom.

While he was at it, Hope started to make dough for pancakes, adding some blood into it.

Once the pancakes were done she decorated them with some syrup, before placing two blueberries as eyes on the very top one and several as a mouth, cutting another two for each to make it look like fangs and place it beneath the mouth, and pouring a drop of blood on each fang, and just a bit beneath it.

She then placed the pancakes on the table, before taking out two glasses and filling those with blood aswell, placing those by the two plates.

Derek soon entered the room, with a new outfit and his face washed, hair brushed and a better breath.

Derek soon entered the room, with a new outfit and his face washed, hair brushed and a better breath

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"Come, sit." Hope smiled, gesturing towards the seat opposite to her, and he greatfully sat down.

"Eat, we need you by powers today." Hope said, and he nodded, immediately digging into the food.

"Today we'll learn how to compell. Okay?" Hope asked, and he nodded, not wanting to talk with his mouth full, and Hope nodded, taking a bite aswell. "Good." Hope said once she swallowed the bite, before cutting off another piece and placing it into her mouth yet again.

. . .

Hope and Derek stood in the middle of the central park, looking for a victim.

"Who is the easiest target?" Hope asked. "I don't know. You tell me!" He shrugged.

"You always pick the bad guys, if possible." Hope rolled her eyes. "Like that one?" Derek pounted towards a guy who was harshly dragging a woman about his age after him, as she had tears in her eyes, and he yelled at her.

"Yep. Like that one. Come on." Hope grabbed his arm, and pulled him after her.

"Excuse me, ladies." Derek said, his gaze focused on the man.

"End station." Hope added.

"By the way, you have a very bad taste in men." She pointed out, as the woman who seemed to be in her mid-twenties looked at them with a hopeful gaze.

"Try to compell him to come with us." Hope told Derek. "How do i do that?" He asked. "Eye contact, and just... kind of do it." Hope shrugged, and Derek rolled his eyes at the awesome tutorial but did as he was told.

"Come with us." He said, as his pupils moved weirdly, and so did the man's who nodded.

"You did it!" Hope clapped her hands. "Now compell her to leave and forget us." She said, and he nodded yet again.

"Leave and forget us as soon as you turn a corner." He compelled her, and the woman nodded, immediatley turning around and leaving.

"Great. Come on." Hope smiled proudly, and walked ahead as the two men trailed behind her.

. . .

The three finally arrived in the middle of the woods, as Hope sat on a rock, crossing her legs over one another.

"Compell him to not make a sound unless one of us tells him to." Hope ordered, and Derek complied.

"Do not make a sound unless one of us tells you to do so." Derek compelled the man, who nodded.

"Great. Now come here." Hope told Derek, who frowned in confusion but did as he was told.

"Speed-run towards him." Hope said. "How?" Derek asked. "Try it out." She shrugged, leaning her back against the tree behind her, and Derek rolled his eyes at her, but did as he was told, trying to speed towards the man, which in fact didn't work too well, as he was shit at controlling it.

He was normally running one second, and speeding the other, and then normally running again, and then speeding again.

At some point, he got a grip on it, and Hope applauded.

"Speed behind him and grab him by his shoulders." She said, and Derek complied.

"Show me your vampie-face." Hope said. "How?" Derek asked, making Hope roll her eyes. "You ask that question way to often. Concentrate on the blood pumping trough his veins... on your hunger for his blood... on your hunger to get revenge in him for what he did to that poor, innocent woman." Hope taunted, as Black veins made it's way beneath Derek's eyes, as his eyes turned into a dark shade of red, and his fangs started to come out.

"Feed off of him." Hope said, and Derek bit into the man's neck without any hesitation.

After a couple of seconds Hope saw the man starting to fall out of consciousness.

"Okay, that's enough." She said, but Derek didn't listen.

"Derek! Stop!" She yelled, but he ignored her.

She then reluctantly sped towards him, pulling him off of the unconscious man, pinning him against the tree.

"When i say stop you stop. We can't have you killing someone. The guilt will haunt you for a long time, which you now have plenty of." Hope said, as Derek panted, his eyes widening and horror in realization.

He looked past her shoulder in panic, trying to get a look at the man, only for her to grab his chin and turn his head to look at her.

"It's okay. He'll be fine. Just feed him your blood." She said, and Derek nodded, quickly speeding towards the man and biting into his wrist, nearly shoving it down the man's throat from the fear of him dying.

"We'll get that under control." Hope promised, placing a hand on Derek's shoulder in a comforting manner.

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