i, Fetch

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This is totally off topic and has nothing to do with this book but that thingy on my braces that is like glued to my tooth just flew off, and i'm kinda freaking out because it's a saturday night, like, what do i do?

"I'm confused." Kol admitted, as he sat at the large table with Freya, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, Marcel, Davina, Hayley and Hope.

"Probably because of that non-existing brain of yours." Klaus snapped at him.

"Says the one that daggered his siblings for centuries because of 'the danger', even though they could've easily defeated anything if they worked together." Davina uttured.

"You shut up, witch." Klaus snapped.

"You shut up, doggo!" Davina snapped back, making Klaus, Hayley and Hope glare at her as Marcel snorted and Kol laughed.

"No offnese." Davina smiled apologetically at Hayley and Hope.

"Just a bit taken." Hayley said snappily.

"A whole lot taken." Hope snapped, irritated at her Davina and her father.

"Sorry, little wolf." Klaus smiled apologetically at his daughter.

"Did i hear that right?" Marcel gawked, as Kol chocked on his drink while Rebekah stared at her brother in disbelief.

"Not accepted. Try harder." Hope challanged him.

"Hope." Klaus warned.

"Klaus." Hope mocked him, making his jaw drop.

"Oh oh." Rebekah laughed, but covered it up by putting a cherry into her mouth.

"Niklaus..." Elijah warned.

"Get me some popcorn!" Kol whispered, nudging Marcel with his shoulder, who gave him a look.

"What are you whispering for? Everyone can hear you anyway!" Freya pointed out in confusion.

"How can you hear it? You don't have super hearing?" Kol asked.

"The room is so silent, i'm sure even i can hear heartbeats now." Davina said, taking a deep breath in while everyone watched Hope's and Klaus' staring contest.

"Niklaus." Elijah said, now more sternly.

"Stop talking! I wanna watch!" Kol smacked his brothers arm, watching intently as his niece and brother stared eachother down, as he put strawberries into his mouth, since Marcel refused to bring him his popcorn.

"What's going on?" A soft voice of a compelled blonde woman rang trough the room, and Klaus' gaze instinctively shifted onto her, making Hope laugh. "Ha! I win!" She cheered. "Damn it." Klaus whispered.

"Yes! That's my niece!" Kol cheered, speedung towards Hope and picking her up, spinning her around, making her laugh.

"Good job." Elijah smirked.

"I've never been this proud in my life." Hayley smiled. "Took it off my tounge." Rebekah smiled.

"That. was. AWESOME!" Davina smiled, clapping her hands.

"That was so great- perfect even!" Freya laughed.

"Now you have a free wish!" Marcel smirked, as Kol set Hope back down, as she smirked at her dad who had a scared expression on his face.

"We're playing fetch. You go turn, Kol. Get the stuff." Hope smirked, as Kol screamed 'yes!' at the top of his lounges, before speeding off, while Klaus grumpily went to his room to turn.

"You already brought the stuff?" Hayley asked with humor in her voice.

"You think this wasn't planned?" Hope laughed.

. . .

"So... you're spending this whole week with just us... no friends, no soulmates..." Rebekah said, as she, Hope and Hayley were sitting on the comfortable couch on the balcony of Hope's bedroom in the Mikaelson manison.

" Rebekah said, as she, Hope and Hayley were sitting on the comfortable couch on the balcony of Hope's bedroom in the Mikaelson manison

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"What happened?" Hayley asked, wrapping an arm around her daughters shoulder.

"Nothing." Hope dismissed.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire." Rebekah smiled, and Hope looked at her, also smiling.

"Why do you and Marcelly look at eachother like that?" A five-year-old Hope asked her aunt after Marcel left to finish some business.

"Like what?" Rebekah acted clueless.

"Like you looove eachother." Hope giggled adorably.

"I have no idea what you're on about, love." Rebekah dismissed with a small smile lingering on her lips.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Hope yelled, and started to run away as Rebekah started to chase her around the house, laughing.

"Woah! What's going on?" Elijah laughed, as Hope ran towards him and hid behind his legs, her small hands gripping onto his dress pants.

"Auntie Bex is chasing me!" Hope playfully cried. "Why is that, Elskan?" Elijah asked, as he crouched down infront of his niece.

"That's not you calling me stupid in another language, right?" The little redhead asked, as Rebekah watched the interaction from the doorway quietly.

"No. That is a Viking nickname that means 'My darling' and 'My love'." Elijah laughed. "Auntie Bex and Marcelly love eachother!" Hope laughed. "What makes you think that, Elskan?" Elijah asked, as Rebekah stepped foward, which Hope hasn't noticed yet.

But Elijah has.

He wrapped an arm around Hope, and picked her up, and she still didn't think anything of it. "Because they keep doing lovey dovey faces at eachother!" The little redhead whispered, making Elijah chuckle.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Rebekah smiled, and Hope let out a noice between a laugh and a scream as Rebekah grabbed her from Elijah's hold and starts to tickle her.

"I wish it would be like before..." Hope whispered. "Just with a couple of changes... you know... with mom and dad there... it would have been perfect..." Hope whispered with pain clear in her voice, and Hayley pulled her daughter towards her, embracing her, as Rebekah joined the embrace.

"I wish i could've been there more, baby." Hayley whispered, planting a loving kiss on top of Hope's head.

. . .

Hope, Kol, Marcel and Elijah we're in the forest, as Kol held a ball in his hand, while Hope held the leash that was attached to Klaus' neck.

In his wolf form, of course.

Once they we're deep enough that they we're sure no one will be there, Hope removed the leash from Klaus' neck, who grumpily looked at a Kol who was clearly enjoying this way too much.

Kol threw the ball, and Klaus simply stared after it, knowing what is about to come.

"Go on! The deal was fetch! Not just stand around there in your wolf form!" Hope reminded him, and the wolf growled, before starting to run towards the ball, picking it up and bringing it to Kol, who laughed, before throwing it again.

"Enjoying this a bit too much, brother?" Elijah asked in amusement.

"I love every second of this, brother!" Kol laughed, throwing the ball yet again.

"He did have it coming." Marcel laughed.

"Indeed." Elijah agreed with a small chuckle.

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