i, Twins, twins, twins

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After the three got to know eachother better and watched a movie, it was already really late and they were all tired. "Where would you like to sleep, Princessa? With me or Wanda? Or you can just sleep in my room. I'll take the couch." Pietro asked. "You can't ask her that! Maybe she'll feel guilty to pick either!" Wanda chimed in, seeing Hope's expression. "You can sleep with me, i promise i'll keep distance." Wanda smiled. "Great, thank you." Hope smiled. "Okay, give me a second, i'll get you something to sleep in." Pietro said, before speeding into his room and returning with one of his Hoodies. "I'll give you some pants of mine, you'd drown in his." Wanda snickered.

"Thank you. Goodnight, Pietro." Hope smiled, taking his hoodie, before kissing him on his cheek, making him freeze. Hope smirked at that, before grabbing Wanda's offered hand and walking into her room with her.

"Here are some pants of mine, you can change here or in the bathroom.." Wanda offered. "I'll change in here." Hope smirked. Wanda nodded, with a slight blush on her face, grabbing some clothes for herself to sleep in, before turning her back to Hope, and starting to take of her shirt. Hope remained respectful, and turned around, starting to change aswell. "Can i turn around?" Wanda asked. "You were free to turn around this whole time, love." Hope smirked, still shirtless. Wanda slowly turned around, and gasped, seeing her mate shirtless, in only her bra, making Hope smirk. "Relax, darling, it's no big deal." She smirked, taking her bra off, with her back still turned towards Wanda. "I-i-" Wanda stuttered.

"Do you think you could pass me the hoodie, love?" Hope asked teasingly, turning towards Wanda, making her blush furiously.

Wanda quickly grabbed Hope's hoodie, passing it to her, and moved her gaze to the floor, her cheeks still bright red.

Hope pulled the hoodie over her head, before walking towarda Wanda again. "Come on, we should go to bed." Hope whispered, her mouth close to Wanda's ear, making her blush even more. Hope then walked past Wanda, sitting on the bed, leaving her flurstered, but still walking to the bed aswell, and laying down on it, which Hope did too.

"Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Hope."

. . .


After the speedster went to sleep, he woke up an hour after. He tried to sleep, but just couldn't. Feeling his mate so close to him and yet so far, was driving him crazy.

He sped into his sister's room, seeing Wanda curled up to Hope's side, her head placed on Hope's chest.

I promise i'll keep distance my ass!

He quietly walked over to them? due to Wanda being curled up to Hope, there was still plenty of space besides her.

Pietro carefully climbed into the bed next to Hope, wrapping his arms around her from behind, burying his face in her back, before drifting off to sleep.

. . .

When Hope woke up, she felt an unfamiliar weight on her chest and stomach. Her eyes shot open, only to see Wanda's head on her chest and Pietro's on her stomach. She carefully placed Wanda's head back on her pillow, to not wake her up, and did the same with her brother.

When did Pietro get here anyway? And what the hell happened to 'I promise i'll keep distance'?

Hope smirked slightly at that, before carefully climbing out of the bed, and grabbung her phone to text into her groupchat with Lizzie and Josie to tell them that she was okay and she will be back soon.

She then quickly put her clothes hack on and folded the clothes of the twins and put it on Wanda's desk. She ripped a piece of paper out of one of the blocks and grabbed a pen to write a note.

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