v, all at once

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After Wanda explained who Clint was, all of them went to the elevator, and Pietro told Jarvis to bring the to Clint, who happened to be in the common room, just as the rest of the Avengers were.

So, once the elevator stopped, they went to the common room, seeing Loki and Thor bicker over who knows what, Steve and Tony arguing, Clint casually chatting with Natasha, Bucky talking with Sam, Bruce talking to Vision, Stephen sitting on one of the couches, reading a book, annoyed by everyone.

Once they entered, everyone stopped what they were doing, eyes immediately on Hope. "Well, that was definitely not the plan." Hope muttures, putting two and two together.

All of them got up from their seats if they were sat, and walked closer to Hope, making her prepare to speed to wherever, whenever it was needed. "Loki! It's our soulmate!" Thor beamed with a huge smile on his face. "I'm glad you noticed you idiot oaf!" Loki said sarcastically. Thor then started running towards Hope, making her speed out of the way, and into another corner of the room, making everyone's smiles drop. "Where did she go?" Thor asked, sad and confused. "Great! Now you scared her away, you idiot oaf!" Loki yelled at his brother.

"I'll come out if you promise not to run at me!" Hope said, and Pietro immediatley sped towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist, burying his face in her chest and pinning her against a wall nearby. "You gave your word!" He reminded. "And i will hold onto it, love." She assured him.

"My name is Hope Mikaelson."

"Clint Barton."

"Steve Rogers."

"I'm James Barnes, but call me Bucky."

"I'm sure you know my name." Tony smirked. "I actully don't." Hope said in confusion, making Tony's smirk drop and everyone laugh. "Wow, you hurt his ego there, малышка. (baby)" Natasha smirked. "My name is Natasha Romanoff, he's Tony Stark." She finished.

"I'm Bruce Banner."

"I am Vision. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"I am Loki Laufeyson, god of mischef."

"I am Thor Odinson, god of Thunder, Loki's brother. We're from Asgard!"

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange."

"I'm Peter Parker as you know."

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, as you know also."

"T'challa, you also know that."

"Shuri, which you already know too."

"Best for last i guess. I'm Sam Wilson."

"Nice to meet you all." Hope smiled. "Stark is too stunned to speak." Sam laughed. "A kiss would make up to it, though." Tony smirked. "I'm sure it would, too bad you're not getting one." Hope sassed, with mock sympathy. "I like her!" Loki smirked. "Oh please, everybody does." Hope rolled her eyes, Pietro finally letting go of her.

"Uh, anyways, i don't feel most of our bonds, so..." Hope trailed off. "What? Why?" All of them ask. "I don't know, the ones i feel the bond with, i had to... kind of sniff?" Hope half lied. "What?" Stephen asked. "Yeah, it's weird but it is what it is." Hope shrugged. "So, uh... you need to, smell at our necks to feel the mate bonds?" Tony asked. "Kind of." Hope shrugged again.

"Well, then... go ahead i guess?" Steve offered.

. . .

After Hope hugged each of her mates, breathing in each of their scents, all of them sat on the couches in the common room, in order to get to know eachother better.

"Let's play never have i ever!" Tony suggested. "I'm in." Clint shrugged. "Me too." I agreed, and so did everyone else.

"Okay. Never have i ever... gotten drunk!" Natasha said, and everyone took a sip of their drink except, Steve, Bucky, Vision, Bruce, Peter, Wanda, Shuri, T'challa and Hope. "Okay. Never have i ever... been locked up." Clint said, taking a sip, along with Loki. "Uh, never have i ever... hurt someone. Physically." Steve said, and everyone took a sip, except Hope, making them sigh in relief. "Never have i ever... tortured someone." Peter said. Everyone looked around, as Wanda and Loki took a sip. "Okay then... never have i ever slept with someone." Loki smirked, taking a proud sip, along with Tony, Bucky, Natasha, Pietro, Clint and Hope.

"Anyways... never have i ever... kissed someone." Hope shrugged, everyone taking a sip, except Steve, Shuri, Vision, T'challa, Sam, Wanda and Bruce. "Never have i ever... killed someone." Bruce said, making most of the Avengers frown, but everyone took a sip, excluding Hope, Peter, Sam, Shuri, T'challa, Stephen, Vision, Wanda and Pietro. "Never have i ever created something really useful." Shuri smirked, taking a sip, along with Tony and Bruce. "Never have i ever killed an innocent. Intentionally." T'challa said, making everyone look around, as nobody drinking.

"Moving on... never have i ever been mind controlled or possed." Peter said, making everyone except Thor, Wanda, Stephen, Hope, Pietro, Shuri, T'challa, Sam, Vision and himself take a sip.

"Okay, never have i ever... discovered i had powers, thinking i didn't have any." Sam said, making Pietro, Wanda and Stephen take a hesitant sip, while Peter took a small one, not wanting to get drunk, along with Bruce. "Never have i ever created something no one who saw it will ever forget with my powers!" Thor beamed, proudly taking a sip, along with Loki, Wanda and Stephen, while Hope didn't, knowing it's for they're safety to not know about her species.

"Wow, Hope, your glass is almost full." Clint pointed out. "Yep." Hope shrugged.

"Well, it was nice to meet you all but i will get going now. It's starting to get dark." Hope said. "You can stay!" Tony offered. "Tony!" Steve scolded. "What? I'm just offering! We have plenty of free rooms!" Tony said. "Do you want to stay, princessa?" Pietro asked. "Uh, sure? Why not?" Hope accepted, making all of her mates smile. "Great!" Tony smiled.

"Come on, i'll show you your room." Natasha said. "Okay." Hope said, following the slightly older redhead.

"Here is your room. It's between my and Clint's." Natasha explained. "Thanks." Hope smiled. "You have a shower attached to your rooms, everything you need is there, including towels. I'll just get you some clothes to sleep in, okay?" Natasha explained. "Yeah, thank you." Hope smiled, before entering her room, but immediately skipping into the bathroom.

She put her hair in a bun so it wouldn't get wet, before stepping into the shower.

Just as she was washing the soap off of her body, she heard the door open. She turned around, seeing Natasha due to the glass doors of the shower. The redhead had her eyes closed, placing some folded clothes next to the sink, befoee quickly walking out, shutting the door behind her. Hope smirked slightly, finishing, before drying herself off and putting the given clothes on.

 Hope smirked slightly, finishing, before drying herself off and putting the given clothes on

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(without the cup obviously)

She then walked out of the bedroom, seeing Natasha sitting on her bed. "Sorry for just walking in. I promise i didn't look." Natasha apologized. "It's okay, don't worry." Hope smiled, kissing Natasha's cheek.

She sat down next to her, noticing her already in her pyjamas. "Would you like to stay?" Hope asked. "Yes! Yes of course!" Natasha smiled. "Great." Hope smiled back, laying on her back, and Natasha crawled under the covers, next to Hope, placing her head on her chest.

"Goodnight, Nat."

"Goodnight, моя любовь. (my love)"

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