i, Language

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Hope groaned as she stretched her neck, hearing it scrunch, before she opened her eyes.

"Good morning, dear. Had a good sleep?" She heard an all too familar voice say from across the room.

"Ugh... shut up. Your voice is giving me a headache and i don't get those as a vampire..." Hope groaned.

"So disrespectful..." The woman said, stepping foward, with a small table flying behind her.

"The hell is that?" Hope asked, frowning as Esther ignored her.

Hope noticed the restrains around her wrists, ankles, laps and forearms, binding her to a chair, as they burned her skin due to being tunked into vervain or wolfsbane.

Esther grabbed something from the table and walked towards Hope with it.

Hope realized it was a collar with big, sharp, metal on the inside and outside of it, making her groan in displeasure.

"Come on..." She uttured, as Esther kept ignoring her, and wrapped it around her neck, as the metal scratched and burned her skin, making her hiss, but Esther ignored that aswell, and grabbed the end of the chain that was connected with the collar.

She made the table float closer, as she turned towards it and set something up.

"What are you doing now?" Hope asked in a raspy voice, clearly weakened by the mix of vervain and wolfsbane in her system.

"Putting on a show for your little mates, friends and family." Esther smirked, stepping out of the way, revealing a camera.

"Ugh... could've atleast facetimed 'em or something..." Hope laughed weakly.

"You're really that old, huh?" Hope laughed, when she saw the confused expression on Esthers face, which turned into anger as she pulled on the chain, making the metal at the back of the coklar dig into the back of Hope's neck, making her groan.

"Do you even know how to sent a video?" Hope asked, making Esther glare at her, and yank harder at the chains, making the metal sink further into Hope's neck.

"You know you can't sent it without their number, right?" Hope laughed.

"Watch your mouth, child!" Esther warned, walking closer to her granddaughter. "You are nothing more than an abomination, aren't you?" Esther asked, examining Hope.

"I mean, i must be. A vampire, abomination of nature, mixed with a witch, servant of nature, and a werewolf. Sound pretty abomonation-like." Hope smirked.

Esther stepped back again, extending her palm towards Hope. "Corum spiritus prohibera." The ancient witch chanted, slowly starting to clench her extended hand into a fist, and the more she closed it, the more Hope started to cough, throwing up blood, pulling at her restrains, as her heartbeat slowed.

"I will figure how to sent this to you abomination of a father. And as soon as he arrives, he will die. Just like the rest of his siblings, and all of the other blood drinking abominations on this earth." Esther said, venom lacing im her voice.

"Ossox." She said, making Hope's neck snap, as her head rolled to the side, and she passed out.

. . .

With the Avengers and Mikaelsons

"We were just training and then that blonde woman appeared out of nowhere and-" Pietro ranted, only to be cut off by Tony.

"Friday. Footage of... whatever happened there." He said, and second later, a larger screen appeared infront of them, hovering above the table they all sat around, showing them what happened.

How Esther appeared,

how she has ad somnume'd Wanda, Pietro and Loki, while Ossoxing Hope.

"Mother..." Klaus growled under his breath, as the footage paused.

"I'm so sorry, did i hear this right? The blonde bombshell that kidnapped our soulmate, who also happens to be your daughter, is your mother?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"She has taken her to get to us. We need to find them quickly. Freya, Davina. Hurry." Klaus ordered, getting up from his seat urgently, afraid for his daughters well being.

Kol sped off, but returned seconds kater with a map in his hand, slamming it onto the table.

"Hurry up!" He urged the two witches. "We'll do it together. Esther might be cloaking her." Freya said, and Davina agreed, grabbing her hand.

Klaus bit into his palm, and let the bloond flow onto the map, and once it was enough, the two witches started to chant in synic.

"Phesmatos tribum, nas ex virtas sequita saguines ementas asten mihan ega petous. Phesmatos tribum, nas ex virtas sequita saguines ementas asten mihan ega petous." They chanted, until they felt the spell was done.

"She didn't cloak her." Davina frowned.

"Does she want to be found? Oh, i will make that bitch suffer in ways even her evil mind can't imagine." Hayley cracked her knuckles, before grabbing the map and storming out of the room? as Klaus and Elijah were the quickest to follow after her.

"Come on, love, you don't even know how to read a map!" Klaus chuckled, as Elijah glared at his brother for the nickname he gave his soulmate. "Hayley, i suppose we will have to think of a plan- Esther is a powerful witch after all, and she could use Hope as a leverage, due to her probably weakaned state." Elijah spoke.

"Why do you think she is weakaned?" Hayley asked.

"Because if she weren't she would've been here, smiling as she was covered in Esther's blood."

"Of course she would be. She is my child after all." Klaus grinned proudly.

"Are you distracting me?" Hayley realized that they have come to a stop.

"I didn't think you would've figured it that quickly." Klaus uttured.

"Why would you try and stop me?" Hayley asked in fury.

"As i am distracting you, Elijah had probably already figured a plan. Am i right, brother?" Klaus smirked.

"Yes, you indeed are, brother." Elijah said.

"Hurry up! We need to hurry!" Klaus shouted, as the Avengers plus Rebekah, Kol, Marcel and Davina came out of the buliding.

"The jet will land in..." Tony trailed off.

"Three..." Clint smirked.

"Two." Steve counted aswell.

"One." Peter smiled as the jet landed perfectly infront of them.

"Time to get our soulmate back." Steve said.

"Time to get our daughter back." Klaus said, as they all climbed into the jet.

"This dick measuring is endless." Natasha rolled her eyes. "Agreed. Hi, i'm Hayley." Hayley smirked, as she walked up to the redhead.

"Natasha. Nice to meet you." The redhead smirked back.

"Steve! She said a bad language word!" Kol shouted, pointing at Natasha, making everyone in the jet laugh, excluding Steve who sighed in annoyance.

"Did you say it on the news or something, Tony?" Steve asked.

"No... Maybe..." Tony chuckled.

"You actully did?! It was just a joke! Tony!" Steve yelled in disbelief.

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