One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

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Megatron's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he just heard came out of his daughter's intake. He just heard his daughter cuss right in front of him. And he didn't like it one bit.

"SNOWFALL!" Megatron shouted.

Startling both Knockout and Snowfall.

Knockout and Snowfall both jumped.

Snowfall turned and her eyes immediately widened seeing her sire.

Megatron walked in. He looked at Knockout and at Snowfall.

"What is going on here?" Megatron asked them.

Soon they both started blaming each other on who started it first.

"She started it, master." Knockout said.

"No he started it, sire." Snowfall replied back.

Megatron groaned.

He looked at his daughter.

"Snowfall, sit there." Megatron said while pointing at the place he wanted her to sit at.

He then glared at Knockout.

"Knockout. You over there now." Megatron said to Knockout while pointing in a different place he wanted him to sit at.

They both did what they were told.

Megatron stood in front of them.

"Now. One at a time." Megatron said to both Knockout and to Snowfall.

He looked at Knockout.

"Knockout what happened." Megatron asked him.

"But sire." Snowfall said.

"Zip it. I'll get to you later. So keep your intake shut and don't say a word. Or you'll be grounded." Megatron replied back.

Snowfall immediately shut her intake.

Knockout looked at his master and saw him nodding. Telling him to go ahead and speak.

"Well, my Liege. All I was doing was checking her sparkling and everything else until she started to get moody. Really moody." Knockout replied.

"Moody. Now where have I seen that before mmm." Megatron asked his daughter. While looking at her.

She looked down.

He then turned his attention back to Knockout.

"Anything else you need to say Knockout." Megatron asked him.

"Uh. She also called me an asshole, my Liege." Knockout replied back.

Megatron growled.

"Snowfall. I thought you knew better than that." Megatron asked his daughter.

Snowfall sighs.

"Ok. Is it my turn to speak now?" Snowfall asked her sire.

Megatron sighs and groans.

"Yes. Speak, my child." Megatron replied back.

"He also cussed at me. And he should never cuss at a femme. And I told him that I am tired. But he told me that I am moody. But I'm not." Snowfall said.

Megatron looked at her.

"Actually. You are." Megatron replied back.

Snowfall looked at her sire.

"I am not." Snowfall said.

"You are moody. You just don't see it. All Knockout was trying to do was to see if you were healthy and if the sparkling was healthy. So appreciate what your brother is doing. Alright." Megatron said and explained to his daughter.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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