She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper

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Megatron slowly started to come around. He opened his optics. He immediately groaned in pain. He didn't like what he felt. But soon he heard a voice.

"I am really disappointed in you, sire." The voice said to her sire.

Megatron looked down and he saw his daughter. He tilted his helm. Because he was confused about why she said that to him.

"Don't you tilt your helm at me, sire. You did something that you shouldn't have." She said to her sire.

Megatron slowly laid his helm back down on the med berth and he hissed.

"Sire. Don't hiss." She said and asked her sire.

"Don't you tell me what to do, daughter. I can do whatever I want." He said to his daughter. Telling her that he can do whatever he wants because he is the Lord and he is the master.

"Yes. I know that you can do whatever you want, sire. Because you are the Lord and you are the master. And that you are my sire. But Sire. You went too far damaging and hurting Starscream." She said to her sire.

Megatron looked at her. "I thought you hated the seeker." He asked her.

"Yes. I do hate him, sire. But sire you need to learn on how to control that temper of yours that you have. Because what if you lose control of that temper of yours and what if something bad happens." She said and explained to her sire.

"I can reassure you that nothing bad will happen." He said to his daughter. Telling her that nothing like that will happen.

Snowfall walked over. "How can you be so sure, sire." She asked him.

Megatron huffed. "I just know, my child." He replied back.

Snowfall sighs. "Sire. You lost your temper because I got hurt. I mean I can understand that you were mad and upset. But taking it to extreme measures. That was taking it way too far." She said and explained to her sire.

Megatron grumbled under his breath. "So let me guess. Your brother told you to help me get through my little temper, hasn't he." He asked her.

"Well, yes. He did. And that I am glad that he told me. Because you do need help sire. And you can't and don't deny it." She said and replied back to her sire.

Megatron slowly vented out. "Okay. Then how can you help me with my little issue and address it, hmm." He asked her.

"Uh. That's a really good question, sire. That I don't know." She replied back.

Megatron chuckled.

"Uh. Maybe meditating sire. Maybe that can help you with your little anger issues." She said to her sire.

Megatron looked at her. "Maybe that can help. But that still won't solve all the issues completely, my little one." He said and replied back.

"Well, maybe we can do it together. So that you don't have to do it alone." She said giving her sire an idea.

"That I think is an excellent idea, my child." He said and replied back.

Megatron slowly got up. He went and he stood and he felt a little woozy. He almost fell backwards. Snowfall quickly ran over and she helped get her sire to get his balance. Megatron gently took her hand trying to get his balance straight. Soon he got his balance straight.

"Thanks, my child." He said to his daughter.

"You're welcome, sire." She replied back.

He walked and he felt his whole entire body was numb. And he didn't know why. So he decided to ask his daughter if she knew the reason why his body was numb.

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