Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1

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Soundwave watched his master going back and forth. He went from one room to another. He shook his helm watching his master exiting in and out. He knew that they both were trying to find a way to protect Snowfall from falling into the hands of Unicron. Who is after her for some reason. They don't know why he is wanting her or why he is trying to control her. And this was confusing the silent mech.

"This is so confusing. Why does the chaos bringer want my sparkmate? This just doesn't make any sense." He said and thought to himself. He was thinking more until he was slammed and someone bumped into him. He looked and he saw his master.

Megatron growled. "GET OUT OF MY WAY SOUNDWAVE!" He said and shouted to Soundwave. Soundwave quickly moved out of the way. Megatron shook his helm. He went and he quickly went doing something trying to find a way to protect his daughter and his unborn GrandSparkling.

Soundwave sighs. "I understand my master is worried. And so am I. But he may be a little bit overreacting just a tad too much." He said to himself. He soon heard the doors open to the throne room. He looked and he saw his sparkmate.

Snowfall walked over and she hugged her mate. Soundwave wrapped his servos around her. Protecting her.

"I am scared, Soundy." She whispers to him. Telling him that she is scared.

"I know my dear. I am making sure that nothing will happen to you." He says and whispers back to her.

"How can you be so sure? What if he does get what he wants." She asks and whispers back to him.

Soundwave went and he whispered sweet and soft things to her in her receptors. He then whispered to her in her receptors.

"I know, my dear. And both your sire and I are doing our best to make sure that it doesn't happen." He says and whispers back to her.

"I am just scared if he does get his hands on me and our unborn sparkling." She says and whispers to him.

Soundwave slowly backed up and he sat down on his master's throne coaxing his mate.

"I know, my dear. I am also scared. But we are doing everything we can to protect you and our unborn sparkling." He says and whispers back to her.

She went and she slowly rested her optics. She then went into a recharge. Megatron walked in and he growled. He saw Soundwave sitting on his throne and not doing a single thing on finding a way to protect Snowfall. But what he didn't know was that Soundwave actually had Snowfall sitting with him and lying in his servos and she was in a recharge.


Soundwave looked at his master. He was thinking and saying this to himself. "What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see what I have in my servos." He said while thinking and saying this to himself.

Snowfall immediately jolted up from her not so nice recharge. And from hearing someone shouting and yelling. She looked at Soundwave but she saw him staring and looking to his left. She turned and saw her sire. She looked at her sire. She immediately glared at her sire.

Megatron looked at Soundwave. But he looked down and he immediately saw his daughter giving him the glare. And by that glare she was giving him. He knew he messed up big time. Just by the way she was looking at him.

"Oh. Uh." Megatron said.

Megatron chuckled nervously.

"Sorry." He said, while apologizing from waking his daughter up from him yelling and shouting.

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