Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6

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It was the next morning. Everything was quiet. But someone was starting to come around. And it was Soundwave. Soundwave slowly came online. His systems started to reboot itself. After everything was done. He finally opened his optics. He turned his helm and he smiled. He saw his beautiful sparkmate sleeping peacefully on the other med berth. He then heard her talking in her sleep. Which he doesn't mind at all. He thinks it's really cute.

"Soundy. My handsome mech." She said in her sleep.

Soundwave smiled.

He then heard her talking in her sleep again. He always loved hearing her talk in her sleep.

"I love you, Soundy." She said in her sleep again.

Soundwave chuckled.

"I love you too, sweet spark." He said and replied back to her.

Snowfall's eyes immediately opened after hearing her Sparkmates voice. She glanced over and she was surprised. Her sparkmate was awake.

"Miss me." He asked her.

"SOUNDWAVE!!!!!" She shouted and yelled in pure joy.

She immediately jumped off the berth and she ran over and she hugged him.

Soundwave purred feeling the warmth that he was receiving from his mate.

"To answer your question. Yes. Yes I did miss you." She said and replied back to him.

Soundwave chuckled.

Because he missed her too. He missed more than anything.

She went and she lifted his visor up. She immediately purred. Seeing his purple optics once more. Both their optics locked onto each other. Soon they leaned forward and they immediately kissed each other. A kiss that they have missed and longed for.

Knockout walked out of his room. He looked up and he saw his sister kissing Soundwave. And he saw that Soundwave was awake. He smiled. Seeing his sister happy was the best thing for him to see. He didn't like to see his sister unhappy or sad. And neither did Megatron. They both wanted her to be happy.

"It's good to see you up and awake Soundwave. You gave us all quite a scare." He says to Soundwave. Getting both his sister and Soundwave's attention.

Both Snowfall and Soundwave turned. And they saw Knockout.

"Yeah. I figured." He replied back to Knockout. "I usually like to make a scene or dramatic entrance." He says to Knockout.

Knockout chuckled.

"Yeah. You do. You always do." He said and replied back to Soundwave. "But I thought that was Starscream's job." He asked him.

Soundwave chuckled.

"Well, sorta and yes. But I like to make dramatic entrances." He replied back to Knockout.

Knockout nodded.

He then walked out heading to the throne room to inform Lord Megatron that Soundwave is going to be okay and that he is awake.

Megatron was sitting on his throne but in a light recharge. He couldn't sleep last night. He tried but was having issues. He soon went down. He was in a deep recharge that he didn't hear the doors open to the throne room.

Knockout chuckled.

He walked over and he tapped him on his shoulders. Nothing.

Knockout sighs.

"My Lord." He said to his master. Trying to get his attention and to get him to wake up. Still nothing.

He grumbled under his breath.

Soundwave X CybertronianOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz