Being In Charge For Today

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Soundwave was in the throne room at his station. He was working and decoding the relics of Iacon when he heard the doors open to the throne room. He looked and he saw his sparkmate. But he didn't see his master. Which was usual. He would usually be up by now and be in the throne room. He then saw his sparkmate walking over to him.

"Soundy. My sire has put me and you in charge for today. He has come down with a cold. Well I mean he has a bug. But it's not contagious, thank goodness." She said to Soundwave.

"It's okay, sweet spark. And I understand." He replied. "Oh. That reminds me." He said out loud. He reached over and grabbed something. "I was supposed to give this to our master. I got done decoding the rest of the relics. But I still have more to finish." He said to his sparkmate.

"Okay. Anyways. I also better check to see if the inventory is up to date." She said to Soundwave. Soundwave nodded. He went and he lifted his visor up. He went and he kissed her. He then backed away. He smiled. He then put his visor back on. Snowfall then walked off.

Snowfall was walking in the halls. She sighs. "I know sire is making the right decision of making me and Soundwave in charge." She said out loud. Soon she heard a voice.

"WHAT!!!" The voice said while yelling.

Snowfall turned but soon she immediately went backwards. She reached up and she felt her optic was shattered. She looked up and saw Starscream.

"You are so dead Starscream. Because sire just said that if you do anything stupid that he will make sure that you don't have any wings or any legs." She said to Starscream. She immediately walked off covering her optic.

She made it to the room. She went inside. But soon she heard a bridge. She looked and saw Soundwave stepping out. She immediately turned not wanting to look at him.

Soundwave looked and he saw his sparkmate had her back turned to him and not looking at him. And that was telling him that something did happen. Just like what he felt in the bond that he shares with her.

"Sweet spark. Turn." He asked her, wanting her to turn around.

"No. I… I don't want to." She replied back. Not wanting to turn and not wanting him to see her face and her damaged optic.

"Sweet spark. Turn for me. Please." He asked her. "I felt that something was wrong in the bond that we share as mates." He says to her.

"No." She replied back. Still not wanting to turn and look at Soundwave.

Soundwave walked over and he turned her around. He noticed that she was covering her face with her servos. He slowly moved her servos off her face. Once he did. His eyes immediately widened at what he was seeing. And he was shocked at what he was seeing. He immediately gasped.

"SWEET SPARK! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR OPTIC!" He asked her while still shocked and shouting. He went and he checked her damaged optic.

"It's nothing. I fell." She said, giving a white lie.

Soundwave looked at her. He knew that she was lying. Her optic didn't get damaged by her falling. It would have to be done by someone hitting her directly into her optic.

"Liar." He replied back. "I know you are lying to me. And you know that I have security footage. So tell me what happened to your optic. NOW!" He said to her, yelling the last part and demanding to know who hurt his sparkmate.

"It was… Starscream." She whispered, saying the last word.

"What. What was that, Sweet spark. Tell me what she said. And I hope I didn't hear you say the word Starscream." He said and asked her.

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