"Very well, Master Kenobi. May the force be with you." Anakin replied.

"And you as well."

Kenobi watched as Anakin leave bridge before facing Admiral Yularen as they plan for the fleets defence.

On the Resolute's hanger.....

Anakin along with 2 groups of clone troopers aboard on the LAATs and went towards the planet below.

3 LAATs flew towards down the planet as they passed through the fields of debris. Anakin winced himself as he saw bodies of the clones and other officers were floating in space terrified filled in their faces before their lives ended.

A couple clones only sigh in sadness as they passed their dead brothers floating in space and the thirst of revenge towards the CIS.

The LAATs passed through the atmosphere towards the ground below they come near a large city made of green crystals, as they approach they notice the lack of CIS presence in the city.

The LAATs passed through the atmosphere towards the ground below they come near a large city made of green crystals, as they approach they notice the lack of CIS presence in the city

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"The city is a ghost town down there, there are no signs of life, General?" An arc trooper coloured in blue spoke towards Anakin.

"The city is a ghost town down there, there are no signs of life, General?" An arc trooper coloured in blue spoke towards Anakin

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"I don't like this, pilot!! Land us near on top those towers we need to look where we are heading." Anakin shouted an order pointing at the large tower that can accommodate 3 LAAT gunships.

"Roger that General." The pilot spoke as he moved the LAAT gunship followed by the others towards the tower.

From there they have landed in which Anakin and his troopers get out.

"Spread out and find anything unusual and report to me. You ( he pointed the clone trooper next to arc trooper) try to establish contact to the fleet." Anakin ordered.

"Right away sir!!" The clone responded as he began contacting the fleet.

"Rex, anything unusual from the city? Any droids hidden behind the walls of the buildings?" Anakin asked as he approach the arc trooper in coloured blue at the edge of the tower.

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