"No..." Ally sighed, and she sounded just as disappointed as I was.

"Yeah. I held it up to her and she goes all googly eyes at it and mentions how it's her freaking ex's favorite movie. I was just like are you kidding me..." I rolled my eyes again. "I mean, I was kind of annoyed... But of course, I didn't say anything. I just kind of reasserted myself and said that it was my favorite movie too. I really hate when she does that. It didn't used to bother me much before, but now it's really irritating. I think it's because I'm starting to like her more and more each day. But each day, nothing changes."

"How do you deal with her?" Ally groaned. "If someone was doing that to me, I would just be done with them."

"But that's the thing. I can't be done with her. I like her so much, Ally, you don't understand. I'm afraid I'll stick around forever waiting for her to just pick me," I sighed, realizing how bad I had it.

"I mean... She kind of did pick you, Mila. She asked you out. I think she was trying to," Ally offered her input.

"I know, but it's different. How can you be thinking about your ex the same day you ask someone else to be your girlfriend?" I put to her, trying to justify my decision. "She hasn't picked me yet. Not really."

"She's trying to pick you, though," Ally reiterated, defending Lauren. "I think you should cut her a little bit of slack."

"Don't you remember how she called me a distraction?" I recalled sadly, instantly feeling that pang of hurt in my chest. I downplayed how negatively that affected me quite well. But in truth, it hurt like hell. "How can I be sure that this isn't just an extension of that? I don't want to be her distraction. I just want to be hers."

"Aww... Mila," Ally whimpered sadly.

"I don't know. I'd love to date her, Ally... But she's so hung up on her ex. If I made her mine, I'd want her to be all mine. She told me herself that Normani still has every part of her. And that's the reason I said no, because-" I continued to express myself and my motives, but Ally interrupted me.

"Wait, Normani?" Ally said, suddenly alert.

"Yeah?" I affirmed, wondering what the name had to do with anything.

"Oh my goodness," Ally said, and I could tell she was holding the phone away from her mouth.

"What's wrong with you? Did you just catch the Holy Spirit?" I giggled at my own joke. Man, I was hilarious.

"Your Lauren is the same one that works at my dad's restaurant?" Ally asked a lot louder than before.

"Yes. You didn't know that?" I confirmed again, skeptically this time. What was the big deal? This was no new revelation.

"Oh no," Ally mumbled and I could hear her fidgeting in the background.

"Are you going to tell me what's happening or do I have to-" I interrogated her nervously, but she cut me off.

"I've told you both completely different things," Ally said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" I narrowed my eyes, even though she wasn't here with me. I held the phone a little closer to my ear and waited for her explanation.

"I told Lauren she needed to get over Normani by going after this new girl she was talking to me about. And I told you that you probably needed to forget her if she can't forget her ex. Oh my goodness," Ally described to me, and I suddenly felt like an idiot.

"You told her to go after me?" I asked, feeling guilty for turning her down now. God, Ally had royally screwed this up.

"I didn't know it was you we were talking about," Ally said apologetically.

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