Chapter 10

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{ Camila }

"Oh my God," I exhaled and mentally kicked myself for the spur of the moment decision. I slid down with my back against the door until I was just a heap on the floor. What the hell was wrong with me?

Lauren's protests from outside soon faded away, and I soon heard her drive off. It was then that I picked myself up off of the floor and began the search for my phone. I needed advice. Pronto. Without much of a search at all, I found my phone laying face-down on the couch. It read 2:52 AM, but I disregarded that fact. I hurriedly unlocked my phone and went straight for Ally's contact.

"Ally?" I said hurriedly into the receiver when she finally picked up. All I got was a groan on the other side, so I tried to wake her up. "Ally! Allyson. Allycat, wake up."

"What?" Ally grumbled into the phone.

"Lauren asked me out," I updated her, running a hand through my hair obsessively. I kept trying to process what the hell I had done.

"Whoa, what?" Ally asked, suddenly a lot more awake and attentive than she was a few seconds prior.

"She flat out asked me to be her girlfriend, Ally," I rephrased, smiling despite the circumstances. The butterflies erupted in my stomach when her voice echoed in my mind. What kind of idiot says no to Lauren Jauregui?

"Dang... What did you say?" Ally wondered sleepily.

"I said no... You told me to say no, right?" I asked, clutching my phone desperately. In that moment, I hoped I hadn't misinterpreted Ally's advice.

"Well, yeah. I told you to say no unless you thought she had moved on," Ally refreshed my memory. "You don't think she's moved on?"

"I... I don't know. Sometimes I'd think so, but then she'd go and bring up her ex again," I complained and exhaled heavily into the phone, hoping to properly convey my frustration.

"Didn't she always do that, though?" Ally tried to keep up.

"Yes.. But at other times, it was like she was only focused on me. It was like her ex didn't even exist to her. It was just the two of us," I smiled as I reminisced on Lauren's mercurial behavior. That was her most desirable mood.

"So then why'd she ask you out today? Fill me in, I don't know what's going on," Ally requested and I heard her switch on the light in the background. Good, now she was really up.

"Okay, well she randomly showed up at my house..." I started off, preparing to give her a complete recap of the story.

"Randomly?" Ally laughed as she followed along.

"Randomly. Just came out of nowhere," I giggled at the peculiarity of the situation.

"Alright, so what happened? She showed up there and...?" she restated, prompting me to continue.

"I don't know, she arrived and just said she wanted to see me. Then she invited me out, but didn't know where we were going. After that, she saw one of my movies on video cassette and asked if I still had a VCR and stuff, and the next thing I know, she says she'll drive me way out to Blockbuster. This is at least a forty-five minute trip, mind you," I shared with Ally, trying my best to include every detail. "I was telling her no at first because it's such a long and unnecessary trip.. But she just insisted on taking me. So I obviously agreed, because this cutie was willing to go out of her way for me."

"That's cute. She's a keeper," Ally encouraged the idea of us, and I couldn't help my smile.

"Yeah... And then she drove me to Blockbuster. Everything was going great until I showed her a movie her ex likes, apparently," I scoffed as I thought back on it.

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