Chapter 9

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"I knew it!" - Ace whispered. "T-they lied?" - Luffy asked as tears began to swell up in his eyes. A sigh was heard from Sabo as he took both of there hands and started to speed walk quietly away from the door.

"We need to hurry up and leave, before they find us, and realize we know what there going to do with us" - Sabo stated.

"Great Idea, can we come along with you?" - A voice behind Sabo said. Sabo immediately stopped in fear, as he slowly turned around to see both Ace and Luffy passed out with Melx and Jolx right behind him.

All of a sudden it became dark

'Damnit, where are they, I can't find them' Marco thought in worry, as he looked around the forest.


Suddenly Marco tripped over something that bruised his knee. 'Oh fuck me already, where are those kids?' Marco winced in pain.

He looked over at what he tripped on, and saw this abandon looking hut?

He looked over at what he tripped on, and saw this abandon looking hut?

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'Well that's strange'

'Knowing them they would most likely head into the abandoned cave to hide'


3rd Person Pov


*Muffled screams*

'Damnit I should've listened to Ace, and maybe we wouldn't be in this mess!' Sabo thought as guilt swarmed right through him.

"Hey can the marines get here any faster?" Jolx asked inpatiently.

"Calm down they'll be here in the next 5 hours to take the boys, and then that reward money will be ours" Melx smilled evilly.


"Who's that?"

"You don't think that one of old for brains crewman found out hideout?"

"Of course not, stop trying to get me paranoid"

"You should be paranoid-yoi" A voice behind the them stated in a very dark tone.

It was Marco, he already untied ASL and was standing behind them protectively.

"As for you three" Marco said now looking at the trio. "We'll talk about this on the ship-yoi"

"What makes you think that they will be leaving here that easily?" Melx said threateningly.

"Oh you must forgot who you were talking to b1tch"


"Did Mama Marco just say the Bitch?" Sabo asked.


"How come you get to say it but we don't?"

"Easy, your children I'm a adult yoi"

*Epic Fight*


Back on the ship


"So would you guys like to explain why you ran away" Tatch asked with a worried and serious tone. Luffy immediately started pointing at Ace.

"YOU TATTLE TALE!" Ace yelled at Luffy. "Well he's not wrong" Sabo pointed out.

"So son do you care to explain?" Whitebeard asked while looking at Ace, who looked nervous.


"Well I guess I'll explain" Sabo said with a sigh.


"And that's what happened"

"So have you boys learned your lesson-yoi?" Marco asked.


"GUARARARA I guess we better get going since the marines are coming" Whitebeard exclaimed.




Sorry this kinda rushed, 'cause I realized  I haven't posted in a while.

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