Mist and clouds passed by as Alayna dipped her face into the pensieve to view the memory within. She landed on a cliff where Percival Rackham was watching Isidora create pillars of stone on a distant rock.

"Your ability to transfigure the world around you is remarkable," Professor Rackham commented. Isidora finished creating another pillar and her expression fell. "What is it?"

"My father isn't getting better. I don't think he'll ever recover from the death of my brother," Isidora explained as she turned to look at the professor briefly.

"It is agonizing to see those we love suffer."

"The drought was years ago, but the pain of losing him is as deep now as if it had happened only yesterday." Isidora looked distraught, reminding Alayna in a way of Sebastian and the way he looked when he spoke of Anne. "He doesn't need pretty pillars, he needs peace. What if I could help him, professor?" She turned around to face Percival Rackham.

"You do so much for your father already, you-"

"It's not enough. I want to take away his pain," Isidora insisted, sounding frustrated.

"It is tempting, I know, to use this magic to transfigure more than just the physical world. But human emotion is a potent force unto itself. Even the most well meaning and competent witch cannot possibly know the consequences of irrevocably manipulating it." Professor Rackham stepped closer, trying to be sympathetic to the struggles of Isidora.

"So I'm to watch as my father's pain destroys him?"

"It is not your pain to take." Isidora stared at Professor Rackham for a moment longer before walking away. Alayna almost thought that was the end of the memory and was caught off guard when the scene changed rapidly to the office at Hogwarts she had been in before. Percival Rackham and Charles Rookwood were chatting when an older Isidora walked into the room. She had grown into a beautiful young lady, but looked very much the same as she had when she was younger.

"Miss Morganach. Welcome back to Hogwarts, professor," Percival Rackham greeted her.

"That's going to take some getting used to." Isidora smiled as she greeted the both of them. "Professor Rookwood."

"I was so glad to hear you had accepted the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor," Professor Rookwood said.

"Sit, sit, tell us of your travels," Professor Rackham invited her.

"I was actually hoping that you and the others might join me at my home this evening. There's much I'd like to share with you."

"That would be delightful. We shall let the others know." Professor Rackham smiled and looked to Professor Rookwood. The memory ended shortly after and Alayna raised her face from the pensieve. Poor Isidora and her father. At least she seemed to be doing well in the second memory and to think she also became a professor at Hogwarts! Though Percival Rackham had said she would gain important knowledge from completing the trials, so why did they want her to see these memories? 

Isidora had talked about healing her father of his pain. Perhaps it had something to do with healing magic? All Alayna had done so far with ancient magic was fight things, so maybe she was meant to learn another side of it. Or maybe it was to show her that she could still live a life just like anyone else despite these powers. Whatever the case, she found herself growing fond of Isidora who had also had to deal with Professor Rackham and reminded her of herself and Sebastian.

Alayna turned to her right as another portal archway appeared. Her way out. When she stepped through, she came out on the other side to the map chamber. Underneath the platform to be exact. Walking up to the chamber, she found Professor Fig and Rackham waiting for her.

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