"I'm going to try on some bathing suits."

"Oh fun. Show me."

"I will. Which one first?" I ask and show her the three colors I received.

"Black first. Then gray..then the white one"

"Alright. Nobody is there right?"

"No. I'm at home silly"


"What you think I have people over whenever you're not here?" She asks. Here we go.

"No. I just didn't wanna be naked and people see me on your phone"

"My phone has a lot of naked pics and videos of you. I keep my phone private babe"

"Ha okay"

So I changed into the first suit.

"Oh wow these hug my body so nice.."

"They do!"

"I hope it's hot next weekend. We can swim and I can wear these"

She just giggles and watches me the whole time while her head was tilted. She was just sitting in bed with one leg propped up close to her chest and she was hugging that leg.

"Okay this is the next" I said and put on the gray ones.

"Gorgeous mami" she says softly. I smiled and turned around to see how it looks from the back.

"I miss you" she randomly says. "I know. I miss you" I said and turned back around to face her.



"I'm serious.. I don't feel the same anymore"

"Oh..what do you mean?"

"I don't know. It's not like me to feel so empty when I'm alone but..you've been a huge impact in my life and being this far apart from you for so long makes me just want to...throw up"

"I'm sorry Jennifer.. that just makes me feel so horrible. I think about you everyday and worry but I didn't think it was that bad"

"Yeah..and I'm sure you don't feel as bad cause you're so busy with work and making new friends"

"No baby! I can be busy out here but there's not a time I don't think about you and wish that I wasn't so far from you. Like you're across the country from me. Not just a city away..I can't plan to see you randomly late at night like I used to. Or early morning breakfast, go out to fun places and such so easily.. I miss being in the same home as you and sleeping right next to you. Don't ever think it's just one sided."

She sighs and lays her head on her knee.

"I'm sorry" I said

"No you're fine. Don't be sorry"

"I just feel bad how we just got engaged and I ended up moving out here not too long after"

"It's life"

I pouted. She's really sad and I hate it.

"Im just happy you're working at your dream job. You seem to be having a lot of fun there" she continues.

"I am..it's great but I feel like it would be so much better if I was here with you all the time"

"I know.."

We continued talking for hours. And hours.


Jens pov

Finally, I'm picking up Leah and Mimi from the airport. She had just texted me that she's heading out to the pickup area so I'm waiting outside in my car.

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