The Wastelanders Prologue

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I left About 5 years ago. I sadly regret it but I had to get out of that house. With the tombstone of Sam and James spending his time in the other room writing, it got to be a bore. Although I do miss the comfort of my old friend. We were close, me and him but I needed the new faces and I needed the new scenery. I always lived on thinking of one thing somebody told me

"life is like glass, its fragile and with a small bang it could all shatter and come tumbling down, that's why you must appreciate what you have and live life to the fullest"

Everyday I think of that and it motivates me, pushes me to go farther than ever before. The Winters have been hard. snow falls and covers the ground like a thick blanket of white. I recently found a group of wastelanders that have accepted me in as their own and we are getting ready for the hard winter that lies ahead. I've learned alot along this crazy road I call life, And it's not over yet

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