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Like I mentioned in the very beginning of this book, this would be an interactive place.

I'll ask you guys a few questions and I hope you guys will answer.

And if you have any questions for me, you can ask them in the last question that I've specifically marked for this, or send them to me personally on dms and I'll answer them in the next part.

So, my questions for you are pretty basic, but I hope the answers won't be. Also the book related questions aren't limited to wattpad. You can answer mentioning printed books/ e-books too.

And no hate for anyone in the comments. We all respect everyone's opinions. You don't have to agree with it but you have to respect it.


Q1. What is one book that everyone around you liked but you didn't?

Q2. What is one character that you think is overrated af?

Q3. Your favorite book boyfriend/husband?

Q4. Your favorite female character?

Q5. If you could live any story as your real life, which one would it be, and which character would you choose to be?

Q6. A book you absolutely hate?

Q7. Your favorite book trope? You can only pick one. Choose wisely!

Q8. What is something that makes you drop a book even if you haven't finished it? (Other than the cheating trope. Everyone hates it.)

Q9. If you could switch places with any character, who would it be, and what would be the first thing that you would do as them?

Q10. What did you think of this idea about q/a? Did you like it? Should I do more of these?

Q11. If you could ask me anything, about myself or my books, what would you ask?


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