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Chapter 8

She was screaming. Screaming for help. She seemed familiar, yet I could not grasp her name, nor recognize her face. Yet she seemed awfully familiar, and I wanted to help her. Looking at the pain in her eyes, I reached out. But I couldn't. My body remained paralyzed, and the maiden was tauntingly close. Orcs swarmed about her, beating her, tearing her clothes, and shoved her about. I desperately reached for my bow and arrow, laying near by, but I couldn't reach them. Suddenly, another elf, slightly taller than me, rode in on a beautiful black stallion. He had straight, streaked blond hair, yet I could not see his face. He slew the foul creatures, unscathed save a small cut on his sword arm. He freed me, and took the now smiling maiden. Then it dawned on me. The maiden was Eámanë.

I awoke, trembling from agitation and soaked in sweat. Thranduil looked at me with concern.

"I'm hungry. I would like to have something to eat," I said. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, my father asked if I could make it. I told him I was fine, and stood up. My legs were wobbly, and pain shot through my body. Swooping in, Thranduil caught me before I collided with the floor. He ushered me back to my bed. I refused, but forced to do so, after a few moments of arguing. I sat on the edge, staring hard at the floor, lost in thought. I fantasized that I was the one to rescue Eámanë, the elf on the black stallion. Yet, I had a dapple grey stallion, light on his feet, swift like a shadow. I had wondered about the twisted nightmare. Although I did not show it, I was terribly worried.

"You must be terribly concerned about her," my father noted, reading the minute expression on my almost emotionless face.

"Yes..." my voice trailed off.

"We've tried our best. We've sent out our hounds and riders along with our best trackers."

I turned and faced the wall. I covered my face, wishing that the whole problem would dissipate into nothingness, that the whole situation was but a dream, a terrible dream. But it wasn't. With a sigh, I dragged myself over the edge of the bed, as hunger was gnawing anything it could reach. Thranduil assisted me and together we slowly made our way to the larders.

A/N: WHY am I making these Legolas chapters soo boring?! Why?! Then again, he's just sitting in bed doing nothing but poking his stomach to see if it's better... I'm making Fíndel's POV, so look forward to it! :)

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