Fíndel, son of Lord Glorfindel

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Chapter 7

After I had killed the goblin, I snuck out of the cave, happy to be able to breathe fresh air. I held the bleeding gash on my side, and ran. I ran to an unfamiliar forest, but I could go no further. I had lost too much blood. The Orcs would be able to track me with ease, but I had a few wee hours left. I fell asleep, hoping that I could grow wings and fly away from my misery. Don't be selfish, I thought. My thoughts turned to Legolas, my dear Legolas. I wanted to see him, no matter how injured he was. I wanted him to know I was fine, perhaps a little under the weather. Then I fell asleep. Clop clop clop clop. Clop clop clop clop. The soft sound of hooves aroused me. I heard light footsteps now, and looked around me. I noticed that my side was swimming in blood. I felt strong, sturdy arms wrap around me, and I snuggled up to the warmth. I looked up. I saw a kindly face, he had storm grey eyes, soft cheeks and slightly tan skin. His straight, streaked blond hair had a slight glow in the moon-light. I thought I looked like a half dead rat compared to him. He smiled at me. I weakly smiled back. His lips were perfectly curved, like Legolas's. He placed me on his beautiful black stallion, and raced away. He kept me in his arms the whole time.


I awoke to an unfamiliar sight. I could not recognize where I was. The room floor was perfectly paved white marble, the roof was made of comforting wood and the walls of perfectly painted wood. It was very cozy, and the down comforter was fantastic. It was cool where I was too hot, and warm where I was cold. I wiggled my toes and giggled. Then I remembered what had happened last night, but I could not gain my bearings. I checked the gash. It was nothing but a pink scar, yet the skin around it was pale and tender. The handsome elf from last night walked in.

"Oh, good, you're awake. I was getting worried," he said gently.

I was confused. I only slept for a night, unless...

"You were asleep for 3 days," he stated, as if he read my mind. "What is your name? I would really like to know."

"My name is Eámanë," I replied. "What is yours? Also, I would like to know where I am."

"My name is Fíndel, I am the son of Lord Glorfindel. You are in Imladris, more commonly known as Rivendell."

Imladris. That was quite a ways from Mirkwood... I sat up in my bed. I realized I wasn't in my green-brown dress, but in a simple silken white one. I told him about what had happened to Legolas and i, and I was glad to be able to just let my feelings fly, even to a complete stranger. He listened intently. Out of a blue, I asked him how old he was.

"1527 years old. And you?"

"1524 years old."

He was only a year older than Legolas!

I attempted to leave the bed. I found that it was almost impossible, as Fíndel had told me part of my muscles were torn. He then proceeded to explain that I was to stay in bed for another week. Another week! It was worse than limping about with a fire in my hair! Noticing my grumbles he told me that he would try and convince Lord Elrond to at least carry me around the beautiful valley of Imladris. Fíndel returned some time later, a mischievious grin on his perfect face. He took a large, lightweight and sturdy basket and set it on the ground next to my bed. I looked at him questioningly. He simply smiled and chuckled to himself. Neatly arranging blankets into a small nest in the basket, he said: "Close your eyes." Then, he lifted me gently with his strong arms, and placed me in the basket. It was very comfortable. Slowly, the basket left the ground. I giggled like a small elf child who was told a juicy secret. We zoomed away.

A/N: So... This one is a bit more exciting. I hope you liked it! (And it's kind of like child's play in the end. But hey, we all need some fun, right?) Please comment, I like feed back! :)

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