Fatally Wounded

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Chapter 4

I faded into the tamarack tree. The light green needles and dark cones camouflaged my clothes fantastically. Looking down, I must admit, Eámanë was a great and terrible foe. Until the uruk came. He had her at his mercy. I almost cried out, but instead I shot his back. He jumped back somewhat and I scurried down my tree and came to her side. I threatened, he laughed. I spoke the truth, he mocked. That was that. I shot him in the neck, and with an uruk-style howl, he crashed onto the forest floor. While I was busy shooting Orcs swarming around me, Eámanë screamed. We paused, and so did the foul creatures. A troop of 25 goblins and warg riders came. I shot down a small, small amount and shot down warg riders. The wargs's hides were too tough. Eámanë hid, then I heard the special mockingbird song elves sang in case if an emergency. The mocking birds, hiding in branches far above or in niches, timidly sang the melody to the further mocking birds. We listened intently while we tried and failed to kill the vicious wargs and remaining Orcs. I faced an enormous warg with a grotesque goblin warrior. Desperately, I fought until I heard the beautiful reply melody, sounding among the mockingbirds, and paused for a second. Then I felt it. A searing pain shot through my body, pulsing at the stomach. Falling to my knees, I hacked at the vulnerable paws of the warg. Time slowed. Angrily howling in hurt, the beast flung its rider from his saddle, and crushed him in his fury. I heard urgent footsteps, and opened my eyes. Everything was blurred, but I saw blood. A lot of blood, coming from my stomach area. I heard a cry. A cry mingled with the song of a mockingbird. Gentle hands caressed my head, and my head was lifted onto someone's lap. "Eámanë...." I blacked out to the sound of weeping and the tender caress of a kiss on my forehead.

A/N: Now, now girls, don't get upset that Eámanë kissed Legolas, it was only on his forehead! I hope you liked the chapter though.

Waltz (lotr fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें