The Kiss

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Chapter 5

As I wept and cradled Legolas's head, I let go and pressed my head against his chest. I heard the faint thump of a heartbeat. A spark of hope kindled a small burning flame. I stood up and took his hands. They were still warm, but getting colder by the minute. I gently tugged at him and little by little, we managed to move a smidge away from the clearing. Just as I was about to call for help, I gnarled hand clamped over my mouth and nose. Struggling to free myself, the Orc snarled "We killed your pretty little boyfriend now, haven't we? You're comin' with us, elvish scum!" He then dragged me away... I continued to struggle and he muttered what I thought were curses and barked at a goblin to bring a sort of drink. He reached out to grab it and throwing me onto a rock, chucked some foul liquid down my throat. I shook violently. Was this my end? Poisoned by Orcs? I leaned over the rock and regurgitated, then my head began to spin. I stood up, but an uruk pushed me back down. My vision was blurred, and my thoughts muddled, yet somehow I managed to think about Legolas and I wondered if he had died yet. Then I fell into darkness...


We were in the woods. Him and I, alone, during another camp-out, 76 years ago. We watched the sun set over the beautiful and majestic mallorn trees of Lothlórien. The scene was absolutely picturesque. I leaned my head against his shoulder, and stayed like this for a couple of minutes. After we climbed down, we lazily walked to a small riverbank and sat, hidden from the world by the thornless rose bushes. (The bushes were a special breed; they didn't grow thorns.) Legolas looked at me and turned my face towards him and said "You look amazing today. More beautiful than ever." He kissed my forehead. Just as we got up, I jumped upon him and kissed him. He fell over in surprise, but he kissed me back. We kissed for quite a while...


Cold, ruthless hands pulled me from the bitter-sweet memory of the kiss. "Get up, you lazy elvish filth! You've had enough sleep!" I looked around. Fifty or so orcs and twenty-five wargs were preparing to leave the camp. My guess was they sent a troop to scout ahead or that they had their usual conflicts and that the others were killed and eaten. It was early dawn, and I knew they needed to get going soon, for Orcs had no love for the moon-light, let alone day-light. I wondered if they would soon be in hiding, probably seeking shelter in caves, crevices and large cracks. I had waited a few hours, and soon enough, the "filthy maggots" were crawling into shelters. I got dragged along, but it wouldn't be long before they would start snoring away. I quietly sawed the rope that bound me with a goblin knife, then tore some fabric from an Orc's cloak. I searched for my father's dagger, and soon enough, I spotted the unmistakeable fierce blue shine coming from under the captain's poorly hidden weapon belt. I reached for it, but the captain grunted and turned away, lost in the deep clutches of sleep. Fumbling for my dagger, I almost fell onto the captain for a grimy and hairy foot shot into my back. Dreams toyed with the Orcs; the cave was alive with twisting and grunting Orcs. Some whispered the name of the recently-gone Sauron, others for the taste of fresh flesh. I snatched my dagger up, then replaced it into my belt. I tore the fabric in two, the larger strip to stuff down the guard's throat. Sneaking up on him, I jumped upon the ugly goblin and attempted to force the cloth down his deformed throat. He grabbed his knife and cut a deep gash in my side. I took my dagger out and cut his throat.

A/N: If you're a huge fan of Legolas (and apparently your he's wife or something), DO NOT get freaking jealous! Remember, it's only a fan fic!

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