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Chapter 3

My little blade shone a fierce blue. Unfortunately, since the little "camp-out" was completely unplanned, I only brought my dagger. And, it was covered in mushroom juice and potato bits. Not something one would want for fighting Orcs. My thoughts went to my father, and I toyed with the thought about dying like him.

"Climb," whispered Legolas. I scurried up a tree, almost the speed of a squirrel. I sat in a branch two thirds up into the top so I could see my attacker, and hopefully won't see me in my simple brown-green dress. I wished I had worn my hunting clothes. They masked the scent of the wearer and were brown-green so as to blend in with the trees, undergrowth or even the ground. Legolas, who was much more prepared than me, took out his bow and slid an arrow into the string. "Move along you maggots! There are those elves in this wood and that crazy old sharku!" a harsh voice cried. I was slightly relieved that the voice was still a ways off, and what little I knew about Orc-tongue proved slightly resourceful. I knew "sharku" meant "old man" because the wizard Gandalf had told me after the death of Saruman the White and Gríma Wormtongue. I was guessing the "crazy old sharku" was Radagast, as he was slightly.... Instable. Also, the captain was speaking Common Tongue, yet with a strong, harsh accent. While I was listening to the harsh Orc-tongue, I cut a strong and sturdy branch that I saw fit for a spear/lance. I sharpened one end, then sharpened the edges and de-barked the opposite end for a handle. I coated the handle with sap, and ripping off part of my sleeve, that made the spear more comfortable and easier to hold. We waited, with tensed muscles...

"I SMELL ELF FLESH!!!" shrieked an Orc.

"Shut up you piece of filth, you'll give us away!" scolded another. By the sound of tramping feet and the clang of metal, I estimated the troop was at least 75 strong. My eyes twinkled. "I'm going to kill more Orcs than you!!" I whispered playfully. "No! I will shoot them all down before you get to the bottom!" was his playful reply. We decided to wait for the last Orcs to pass our tree and silently kill the laggers. The air around us became more and more rancid. It smelled of stale animal blood, some dung and rotten fish. Gagging, we huddled close together, hoping none of the tracker Orcs would find us. Clang, clang, shuffle, clang! The rhythm of the pack was unnerving. Cautiously, I peeked down. My estimation of 75 strong was completely wrong. There was a whole host of 200 or so. Nervously, I prepared my spear.


"Lady Galadriel, which elf is which?" I quietly asked. Being only 19, I was a very young elf. Staring intently into her teary face, I waited for an answer.

"Your father, my brother and my nephew were slain, along with eleven others, Little Eámanë," she hoarsely replied. I started wailing. As I blindly stumbled into my room, I promised my father I would avenge his death. My father was the last of my family, my mother had given birth to my still-born brother and had lost all joy in Middle Earth, departing for the Undying Lands the following month.


Now was my chance. I sprang down the branches of the great fir tree I hid in and silently killed the slowest Orc from the prossession with my dagger. Crash! I had not anticipated the noise. Legolas faded into another tree, ready to kill any Orc that came too close to me or him. Whirling around, I jabbed and stunned another of the foul things. Doing the same to many others, I thought I had it under control. Never have I been so wrong*. A large uruk-hai commanded the others to back away. "So this is our little defense for this junkyard?" he snarled with mock respect. As he moved in to attack, an arrow came whistling into his back. Not a very crippling blow, yet good enough to surprise the uruk. In a blur, Legolas appeared next to me. "Come one step closer and I'll stick an arrow in your neck faster than a falcon," he growled. The large and haughty uruk laughed.

*Quoted by Thorin Oakenshield, the Hobbit: an unexpexted journey

A/N: This is a longer chapter to make up for the short one!

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