Remus asked, "So James is telling him now?"

"Yeah, I reckon so," Lily answered. She hesitated, "Remus. Do you know much about Mopsus?"

"Beyond all that happened when he was at Hogwarts? No."

Lily leaned against the counter, took a sip of her tea, and said, "James is a descendent."

"Of Mopsus?" Remus's brows knit together. "How do you know?"

"Alright. Well. See." Lily sat next to him, leaning forward so her face was close to his. "I can't explain everything. I swore I wouldn't. But I can tell you some... Remember when James and I went to Edinburgh?"


"We sort of... had a run in with Mopsus at the castle there, during a tour, and Mopsus told us then."

Remus said, "How in hell do you 'sort of have a run in' with Mopsus? What does that mean?" he looked worried. "Lily, that man is absolutely... positively... vile... evil... disgusting... I --"

"He's not as bad as he comes off," Lily said.

"No - he's worse." Remus's hands shook on his tea cup. "Oh blimey, Lily. I -- Tell me you didn't -- didn't give him any time or anything?"

Lily's mouth twitched ever so slightly, but she kept it shut.

"Oh hell you did. How much?"


Remus's eyes searched hers. "Lily, this is bad. This is real bad. I'm not sure how yet, but I know it is. It's really bad to get tangled up in that man's webs."

"He's trying to stop You Know Who," Lily whispered.

"He's supposed to be dead," Remus replied, "Not stopping anybody. He's supposed to be dead, but because he stole seconds from people he's able to hang on like a creepy old ghost, only worse... more like a living inferius."

Lily shifted uncomfortably. "Remus, he told us his whole story."

"I'm not sure what he told you, but I'm betting at least half of it was a lie. He killed my father, did you know that?"

"Y-yes," Lily stammered.

"He stole time from my dad that might've been used to make our relationship better." Remus's voice was cold. "Hang on. What're you bringing this up now for? Lily. You and James didn't... give any more time for Regulus did you?"

"No but I reckon Maryrose might've done. And I think maybe that's how her body ended up at the Ministry for Magic and why it is that Regulus isn't dead right now. I think Mopsus used Maryrose's seconds to save Regulus, just like he used --" she stopped mid-sentence.

Remus's eyes were wide. "Lily."

"Well that's what I think!" Lily said quickly.

"And if he had left her alone, let her be, then maybe Maryrose would be alive right now and maybe Regulus wouldn't have needed her seconds and maybe she wouldn't have had to save Regulus and maybe we'd all be just fine or else at least in the same position as we are right now, except she would be here, too. Ever think on that?"

"Maybe. But what he used our seconds for didn't effect anything like that. We're still here - me and James - and Harry --" she stopped, flushing hot.

"Who is Harry?" Remus demanded.

"Nobody," Lily said, and she stood up. "Oh my stars, I need to just shut up. Forget I said anything, alright? What I'm thinking... it doesn't matter."

"It does, I can tell in your face it does. Why can't you tell me who Harry is?"

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now