"It looks like what should be said has already been said to you. Xiang Zhuo, it's not that I have no choice but to persuade you to give up. If you can make Jing Xiran like you and share the same conviction as you, making it so that he would refuse to marry anyone but you as well, then you could try to fight for your future and happiness. The problem is he doesn't know anything right now. Even if you were to derive your father and elder brother's support, the moment he disagrees, what would you do?"

Shen Liang didn't want to say these to him. He only wished that Xiang Zhuo would be more rational and look at and acknowledge the essence of the matter. The him now was no different than Shen Liang in the previous life. His head was filled with love and couldn't care less about anything else. In the end, he would be the one who suffers the most. 

"I understand everything you say. But I just like him. Even if I can't marry him, I still refuse to marry those Imperial Princes. What royalty? What affluent family? What sons of heavens? They only know how to use my father and brother. How is it possible that they would ever treat me sincerely?"

Xiang Zhuo wasn't someone who couldn't see the facts of the matter. He wasn't foolish. He was just unwilling and dissatisfied. He liked Jing Xiran too much. He couldn't control himself.

"If you only wish to avoid a marriage with the royal family, I actually might have a solution."

"Truly?!" When he heard Shen Liang's words, Xiang Zhuo's eyes immediately brightened. 

However, as though toying with him, Shen Liang didn't immediately answer him. Rather he picked up his teacup and sipped on it leisurely. It wasn't until he saw Xiang Zhuo ready to scratch his ears with frustration when he finally said, "Do you know why your father and elder brother refused to let you marry Jing Xiran?"

"I know. Isn't it simply because the emperor won't allow it?" 

Xiang Zhuo couldn't help but roll his eyes. That dog emperor just had to care about everything. Even young people's marriage matters couldn't escape his control. Every now and then, he just had to mess up someone's marriage. He'll have his retribution one day.

"Alright now. Stop scolding him in your heart now," Shen Liang was able to see through Xiang Zhuo's silent resentment with one look and was amused. He then stated solemnly, "What you said isn't incorrect. Marquis Lin'an and the Young Master Lin'an won't agree to this marriage exactly because the emperor wouldn't agree to it. Otherwise, Jing Xiran would undoubtedly be considered one of the best candidates as a son-in-law they have in mind. Even if others begged for such a relationship, they wouldn't be able to derive anything. How could they possibly bear to discourage your wish? Let me ask you then, do you know why the emperor won't allow for this marriage?"

"Why else? Isn't it because both the Marquis Lin'an and the Marquis Huaiyang Family are affluent, noble families? Liangliang, exactly what do you want to say? Why is it that the more I listen to your words, the more muddle-headed I'm becoming?" Xiang Zhuo couldn't help that Shen Liang's way of speaking was truly too tiring. His brain couldn't keep up at all.

"Very good. It appears you haven't turned foolish to the point of being beyond saving. Xiang Zhuo, why don't we think about it from another perspective? Since he's afraid of even two mere noble families from allying through marriage, then do you think he wouldn't be afraid of marriage between an Imperial Prince and a noble family? Take a look at the eldest Imperial Prince Consort and the second eldest Imperial Prince Consort. Before they married over, they were most likely already young maidens known for being well-behaved and reserved. Although their backgrounds are affluent and strong, individually, none of them are capable enough. All are easy to control. As for the third Imperial Prince Consort, he can be considered an anomaly. Because all the third Imperial Prince thinks about all day is eating and having fun, even if he were to marry in an Imperial Prince Consort who has some capabilities, it wouldn't pose a threat to his throne. 

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora