Chapter 2: The Battle Against the Shadow God

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As they entered the temple, they were met by the Shadow God himself. He was a towering figure, easily twice their height, with dark smoke emanating from his body. All around them, they could see the flickering of  divinity crystals, each one pulsing with dark energy.

"You do not belong here," the Shadow God's voice boomed. "What brings you to my temple?"

Arctus stepped forward, his eyes locked on the Shadow God. "We’re here to tell you to stop opening doors to mortal plane and give you warning from Truth Symposium of wizards  to stop your army of shadow slaves from crossing the doors. If you don't listen to the peace proposal,we would not mind wiping off a fake god".

The Shadow God let out a deep, guttural laugh. "Foolish ants," he spat. "You underestimate my power. I am beyond your comprehension. For I'm a real god, beyond your truth Symposium's reach. I will destroy the mortal realm and be It's god"

With that, he launched an attack, hurling dark energy at the two mages. They raised their hastily conjured magical shields, deflecting the attack, and countered with their own spells. The battle raged on, the Shadow God seemingly immune to their magic.

Erin noticed something odd about the divinity crystals. They seemed to be resonating with the Shadow God's energy, making him even more powerful and giving him unlimited dark energy. She whispered in Arctus mind through magic, and together they came up with a plan.

Arctus distracted the Shadow God with his Fire meteorite rain spell, Showering him with blazing hot huge stones and magma while Erin made her way to the divinity crystals, destroying them one by one. As each crystal shattered, the Shadow God's power diminished, until he was nothing more than a shadow of his former self. But still his power is equivalent to an arch-mage.

With a final huge burst of magic, Arctus and Erin jointly casted a Forbidden grade spell "Holy Light Retribution" at the Shadow God with all their mana, a beam of massive light tore through the darkness and obliterated the shadow god, countless number of huge Pillars of light started falling from sky on nearby few miles of the temple
destroying his army of shadow slaves once and for all. They secured the remains of the divinity crystals and made their way back to the portal by directly teleporting to it, as they have left a magical beacon near it.

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