Beauty Marked Part 34

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I followed the girl down the hall to the lord without hesitation. Did everyone know what I was except for me? This entire time? Was there anyone I could truly trust? Talus' face flashed in my mind but I tried to erase it as quickly as possible. It wasn't just him, seemingly everyone I had come across this entire time, even Gren,,, did everyone know about me and keep it from me all of this time? I wasn't the scared run away girl. I was going to be given all of the answers I very well deserved.

Devlin was right behind me the entire time but I didn't pay him any mind. It was clear that he wanted much more to do with me than I did with him...but he. Devlin told me, when no one else would. "-Don't compare me to him... " he'd said. Maybe it was wrong of me to think of him so poorly. Sure he was far too forward but if he was part incubus, male succubus like myself- then he's never had to hide from affection. He's always lived that way. No. That's no excuse!

Just because he's always been open to do whatever he wanted doesn't mean that I'd allow him to do the same with me, even if he isn't as bad as he truly seemed. I recollected my thoughts. I was about to face Lord Andros again after all, and the last i'd seen him I was in ragged clothes and left crying my eyes out. Not exactly the best first impression. I stood a little taller and tried to carry myself with poise as a proper woman should. I couldn't be the confused girl,I needed to be the woman who wanted answers. It was a new feeling, but powerful.

We reached large doors off the main hall and the servant girl. "Lord Andros' study." she said quietly to me. Sure enough when she opened the doors, Lord andros sat in a comfy lounge chair in a sitting area to the side of a large desk bare of anything but a couple books. Only a couple bookcases were in the room and the lights were dim. It reminded me much of Gren's study, but I forced myself to also push that thought aside. I walked in with confidence ready for whatever he was about to say to me.

He stood upon entering "Ah, lady Elise, please." and motioned for me to take a seat across from him on a small couch. My confidence was shaken however when I was surprised by Mena's presence behind his chair. "Mena?" She smiled with ruby lips, her blonde hair catching light even in the dimly lit room. "Hello young one, we meet again, not a moment too soon." I had paused where I stood, but Devlin came beside me and placed his hand on my lower back leading me over to the couch. Not letting me pause in my shock, or slight fear. The last I saw her, we had run from her house and then; The thought of him laying there cold, his blood on the ground. My body reacted at the thought of Talus hurt and I noticed more light in the room. My skin had begun to glow brighter, now in the presence of the Lord Andros, Mena and Devlin all in the same room.

I was almost grateful to Devlin for not letting me pause as I took a seat across from the Lord, himself taking a seat. Although he was sitting across from me he was very close. Much closer than we had first met when he sat in his throne. I could see his features much clearer being this close. He looked only slightly worn with age, but the resemblance between him and Devlin was striking. However, his eyes looked much darker than Devlin's if it was at all possible, so much power radiated off of him it was intimidating but I tried not to let it get to me. The glow of my skin was somehow comforting in his presence.

Somehow this close, relaxing atmosphere, didn't do much in terms of making him seem more approachable. "I see your handmaidens took care of you. You're much more suited for such a beautiful gown, are your accommodations to your liking?" I bowed my head at his compliment. "Thank you. Yes, everything is more than adequate.Thank you very much." The lord leaned back in his chair, "So humble. Charming." Why was he complimenting me so much? I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. "Thank you." I bowed my head again and lifted it immediately to meet his piercing gaze, I wanted to know everything, but he was the one who called me here after all, he must have had a reason.

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