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I hurried and got this done for those of you who were worried 🙃.

"Why am I talking Haechan off a ledge right now?" Jeno asks Chenle.
"How the hell am i supposed to know? Renjun got sick and left then him and Johnny just took off. I'm here alone now and it's in the middle of a rush. I have to go." Chenle hangs up and Jeno sweet talks Jaemin into helping Chenle while he talks to Haechan.
He drops Jaemin off and heads right to Renjun's.

"So, what happened? Why do you want to die? You know we don't take this lightly when you say these things." Haechan is curled in a ball on the couch.
"I didn't lie. I never lied. I just didn't tell the whole story. I'm sorry. I feel so bad. I didn't want to hurt him." Jeno is rubbing his back trying to calm him.
"Tell me what happened please?" He asks softly. After a few sniffles and deep breaths he explains everything.

"Well, ok. Maybe he didn't hear you? Maybe he really is sick? Maybe he just went for a walk? Did you call him?" He shakes his head no, so Jeno sighs and grabs his phone and calls him.

"Hey Junie, how are you? Is everything ok?" Jeno asks sweetly.
"I'm ok. I just needed some air. I'm visiting a friend. I'll be home later." Jeno nudges Haechan who's listening closely.
"Ok be safe." He hangs up and gives Haechan a look.
"He sounds fine. Just wait, he will be home soon, then if he didn't hear, you need to tell him." He nods and wipes at his eyes some more.
"Is there more?" He asks suspiciously.
"I hurt Johnny too. I'm such a terrible person." Jeno sits on the end of the couch and lays Haechan's head in his lap.
"Talk to me."

"Hey." Renjun hears behind him and whips around.
"Oh, hi. How did you know where I was?" He asks turning back the other way.
"I've heard about you, I just had a feeling I guess." Renjun chuckles.
"I just wish I could say that too." Johnny sighs.
"Can we talk? Outside?" Renjun nods.
"Let me just say goodbye." Johnny steps back and waits.
"Thank you for listening to me again." He looks behind him to see if Johnny is paying attention and whispers.
"He's the one i told you about." He waves and steps back.
"Good bye Mrs. Lee." He walks up to Johnny and follows him out to a park across the street.

"How did you know which place I was at?" Johnny shrugs.
"I didn't, this is the third one I've been to." Renjun just nods and looks down.
"He cried you know? Right after. I thought I hurt him or that maybe he had changed his mind and I missed a signal. I felt awful. He was inconsolable for quite a while. I felt like a monster." He pauses and picks at his pant leg.
"I did what I could to console him and then he just told me everything. And after hearing about his mother I decided to make it my mission to make sure he would be ok. I know that is hereditary, and he was so fragile that night. Then we stuck together, I kind of followed him around just to make sure he was fine then we became good friends." He pauses again and sighs.

"Renjun I didn't come here for sinister reasons. I really just wanted to check in on my friend and hopefully meet you. I was even considering making this my home, so I had some sense of family." Renjun looks up with tears in his eyes.
"You were all he ever talked about, good days or bad. He loves you so much." Renjun nods.
"I know. I don't doubt his love but I just, I don't know. I guess when i didn't know, I could imagine it was some loser or some asshole but, but it's you. You're kind and funny, interesting and well traveled. I'm just me. I haven't been anywhere and I I'm boring." Johnny scoffs.
"Bull shit! In his eyes you are better than the Eiffel Tower, better than any monument on earth. He absolutely adores you." Renjun smiles softly.
"Thank you. This was nice and the more I get to know you, the more I'm glad it's you." Johnny frowns in confusion.
"I'm glad you were there to take care of him for me. I think because of you I was able to have him back." Johnny nods with a small smile and stands.

"I'll walk you to the bus stop then I'll be heading out." Renjun makes a pouty face.
"Come with me? Take me back to him like you brought him to me." Johnny laughs and shakes his head.
"I'm sure he wouldn't want to see me." Renjun's brow creases and he purses his lips.
"He loves you, you are family. Please don't leave?" He asks softly. Johnny can only nod yes, even he has succumbed to Renjun's charms. They walk toward the bus stop hand in hand until Johnny gets an idea.
"Hey, can you wait here? I need to grab something." Renjun frowns.
"Don't abandon me here." He shakes his head.
"I would never." Renjun agrees and waits, he watches as he runs off around the corner. After about fifteen minutes he's restless, worried he was ditched.

He stands and walks back toward the bus stop when a man on a motorcycle pulls up next to him. He tries not to make eye contact but when the man calls his name his jaw drops.
He looks at Johnny sitting comfortably on there like he's done it a million times.
"What are you doing? Where did that come from?" He asks quietly as he walks toward him.
"I thought maybe you'd want a little adventure today. Have you ridden before?" Renjun shakes his head no with a huge smile on his face.
"Will I fit? Is it safe? Do you know how to drive it?" Renjun asks with an excitement in his voice that's intoxicating.
"Yes, to everything now let's get you to your man." Renjun nods trying to hide his smile. He puts on a helmet and climbs on after Johnny and wraps his arms around his waist. He holds on for his life and it isn't until about half way that Johnny feels his grip relax. He chuckles to himself.

"That was amazing thank you." Renjun says after he gets off. He pulls Johnny into a warm hug and kisses his cheek.
"Come on." He says sensing his apprehension.
"You are family, get up here and let's talk this through." Johnny smiles softly and nods before following him to his apartment.
When he walks in, Jeno and Jaemin are there at the kitchen table.
"Shh, we just got him asleep." Renjun frowns and quietly walks up.
"Why does he look so awful?" He asks as he pushes his sweaty hair off his face.
"He thought you were going to leave him and he was just really fucking depressed." Renjun looks guiltily at Johnny who just gives him an encouraging smile.

He crawls on top of him and buries his face in his neck. He kisses all over his chin, cheek, and neck until he finally wakes and looks around.
"Renjun?" He whispers sadly. He only nods and kisses his lips. Haechan starts to cry again.
"Where were you?" He asks eyeing Johnny behind them.
"I was visiting your mom. I just needed someone to talk to and she listens well." Haechan smiles and nods.
"I know what happened and I'm not upset. Nothing changes ok? Yeah I needed a little time to digest and Johnny here found me and talked me through it but I'm really happy it was him ok? Johnny is kind and treated you well and that's all that matters. I love you, nothing will ever change that." Haechan nods then moves so they can sit.

"Im sorry. I should have just told you, I shouldn't have
Panicked when you left either." Renjun takes his hand.
"Yes you should have told me but you don't have to apologize for your feelings." Haechan kisses his lips softly and the three in the room are trying not to watch but they are too cute and both have their hearts on their sleeves. Renjun stands and goes to Johnny.
"Guess what guys? Johnny is thinking of moving here." Johnny stammers a little.
"Well that was before, I don't know if I should." Haechan stands and hugs him with his whole heart in it.
"Please stay, brother." He says making Johnny cry. That's what he used to say when they were traveling and since he's been here they have been strained. He nods.
"I'll think on it." Johnny says softly before kissing the top of his head.

"I'm going to take these two out for drinks. You two cuddle, talk, have make up sex. Do whatever it is you want." They all chuckle and say their goodbye's and thank you's.
After everyone walks out they cuddle together on the couch.
"I love you so much Haechanie, I'm sorry for causing drama." Haechan shakes his head.
"I think I'm the one that caused that. I was just so worried that you would be sad or angry and I lost my mind. I think I'll go talk to someone, maybe think about meds. I don't want to leave like she did." He whispers. Renjun crawls in his lap and wraps around him.
"I'm with you one hundred percent ok? Anything you need I'll help you, I love you and I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with you, which is going to be a long, long time." Haechan smiles and squeezes him.
"You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Haechan says quietly. Renjun nods with a smile.
"I know." Haechan giggles.
"I love you." They whisper simultaneously on each others lips.

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